Chartfield (CF) Request Form

Use this form to request a new or update an existing CFS Chartfield code. Chartfields include: Account, Fund, Department, Class, Program and Project. Please use this form for both Facility and Department Project chartfield requests. Review Campus Chartfield definitions here or additional system-wide information can be found by reviewing the CFS COA Position Paper.

Have questions? Please contact at anytime with your Chartfield questions or needs. Thank you!

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This includes trust fund updates or trust fund addition requests.

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Please list date of the last known general ledger activity of the chartfield.

Is the value of the new asset of higher quality or value?

This refers to whether the project results in an asset that provides a better level of service or functionality compared to the asset it replaces or enhances. Consider:

  • Is the new asset more durable or capable of handling a larger capacity?
  • Does the new asset provide improved features, technology, or efficiencies compared to the previous version?
  • Will it result in cost savings or enhanced productivity because of the superior quality or value?
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Does this extend the useful life or increase the value of the asset?

This criterion focuses on whether the project extends the longevity or operational capability of an existing asset beyond its original estimated useful life. Consider:

  • Does the project involve significant repairs or renovations that add years of usage to the asset?
  • Will the improvements delay the need for replacement?
  • Does this increase the overall market or book value of the asset by upgrading its components or performance?
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Does this improve, alter, or better the asset?

Here, the question is whether the changes made to the asset go beyond normal maintenance and substantially improve its condition or usability. Consider:

  • Is the project changing the fundamental nature of the asset or enhancing it beyond its original state?
  • Are the modifications adding to the asset's value or functionality, making it more efficient or capable of supporting the organization’s needs in new ways?
  • Will the alteration allow the asset to serve a different or expanded purpose?
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Select or enter value
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Additionally, please upload Excel Template if submitted multiple department project requests or upload any supporting documentation to include with your chartfield or facilities project number request.

Drag and drop files here or