ASHHRA Call for Articles

Thank you for responding to the HR Pulse Call for Articles. We are thrilled that you are interested in providing education for our members. All submissions are selected based on the following criteria: - The degree to which the article supports one or more of the following topics relevant to health care HR: Technology, Workforce, Legal/ Advocacy, Leadership, Business of Health Care - Thoroughness of the subject matter - Quality of best practices - Quality of takeaway tools offered to readers Thank you for your interest in advancing the health care human resources profession!

Are you a current ASHHRA member?
Have you previously submitted an article to ASHHRA?
Have you previously been published in HR Pulse magazine?

Have you written about this or a similar topic prior to this submission?

If your article is not chosen for the HR Pulse, does ASHHRA have your permission to publish in our other electronic publications?

Please choose for which level of audience your article will be most valuable.

New-to-the-Profession - An article designed for those new to HR or new to health care HR, to help them get started, provide the tools and knowledge for what's next and gain a good understanding of the ASHHRA HR Leader Model. Mid-Level Professional - An article intended for generalists, specialists and/or mid-level managers looking to obtain the HR Leader Model competencies necessary to move to the next professional level. Leader Track - An article designated for those with a minimum of five years of leadership experience or who hold the title of Director, VP, SVP or CHRO, that should provide the tools and knowledge to take organizations in a new direction.

Please select which subject area(s) your article most closely represents.

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Please describe the content of your article (e.g., case study review, best practice, etc.)

Learning Objectives (3 required)

Please complete this sentence: “Following review of my article, readers will be able to…”

By writing my full name below, I understand health care HR case examples are required.

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