ASE/GSR Hiring AY24-25
New ASE/GSR Title Codes (Smartsheet Changes)
Effective 10/1/2023 GSI and AIGS title codes will be transitioning to TA titles. TA title codes are available to select on the Smartsheet but will turn red if the begin date is prior to 10/1/2023. Please use the GSI/AIGS title codes until 9/30/2023.
Appointment Letter process for GSRs
In accordance with the union contract, the appointment letter should be sent at least 30 days in advance. The appointment letter will be sent to the GSR after the department approval and funding approval are entered into the row. The letter will attach to the row after the GSR has signed it via DocuSign.
ASE Late Hires
Late GSI hires that require full semester equivalency and are onboarded within the grace period (the last Friday of August or January) do not require additional action to be paid fully
Late GSI hires that require full semester equivalency and are onboarded after the grace period (the last Friday of August or January) require calculation of the one-time payment. Please provide this calculation to the HR Generalist.
Late GSI hires that will be paid for partial semester require calculation for the additional pay to be issued. UCPATH will short pay partial semester hires (i.e. hired effective 9/18 - 12/31). Please provide this calculation to the HR Generalist
Above scale/off scale column
This should be used to the enter the amount of "top-up" money that needs to be added to the salary increment of the selected step. The step should reflect the salary increment based on experience for the ASE/GSR.
For GSRs, the monthly rate entered should be based on the full time annual rate equivalent divided by 12 (fiscal year appointments). UCPATH will taken into account in their calculation the FTE of the appointment. Use the top up calculator to determine what to input on this column.
For GSis/TAs, the monthly rate entered should be based on the full time annual rate equivalent divided by 10 (academic year appointments). UCPATH will taken into account in their calculation the FTE of the appointment. Use the top up calculator to determine what to input on this column.
Additional information, including amount adjustments to this column during the appointment period should be noted in the Comment column.