Faculty & Staff Working Retiree Questionnaire
Per Administrative Policy Statement 5054: Hiring Retirees to Work in Staff or Faculty Positions, retirees returning to work must be hired into temporary Working Retiree positions (job codes 1610: Working PERA Retiree – Staff, 1611: Working ORP Retiree – Staff, 1620: Working PERA Retiree - Faculty, or 1621: Working ORP Retiree - Faculty). Please review the policy for information on appropriate use of retiree appointments, retiree's responsibilities, and benefits considerations.
HR Operations manages the appointment process for all working retiree positions, and the working retiree inbox (HR.StaffWorkingRetiree@cuanschutz.edu) should be notified when anything is submitted in HCM for these positions so they can be approved.
For appointments that will exceed 9 months a 5-day posting will need to be completed and the retiree will need to apply. We will provide next steps for the posting process once the questionnaire is submitted.