Chester Freeman Award
Deadline: 4/15/24 at 5:00 pm
Instructions and information:
Chester H. Freeman, late Professor Emeritus of the Department of Communication at Cornell University, set standards of excellence, leadership, and commitment to Cornell University that few can surpass. The Freeman Communication Leadership Fund is to be awarded to the Communication junior or juniors who best exhibit the interdisciplinary character of the Department’s program and who best reflect the spirit of Chet Freeman’s contributions to the Communication Department and the Cornell community.
- Application requires a resume, personal statement, and two on-campus references with contact information.
- Name your files: Award Name_Last Name, First Initial, i.e. "Freeman_Smith, J._Resume"
Applicants must be second semester junior Communication majors with a minimum of 2.5 cumulative academic average. Applicants should have proof of demonstrated skills in oral communication, media or research skills, or in media analysis or planning. Applicants should show evidence of leadership, breadth of interest outside the academic major, and evidence of concern for fellow human beings.
All applications must include the information below:
- Completed Application
- Resume
- Name and email of two references (on campus)
- Personal statement reflecting skills in oral communication, leadership activities, involvement and interests outside the major, or indication of concern for fellow human beings.