The United Sommeliers Foundation Application for Financial Assistance

The United Sommeliers Foundation’s mission is to provide immediate financial assistance to Sommeliers who are experiencing a pause or termination of employment due to circumstances beyond their control. This foundation was specifically created for sommeliers, who we believe are the first to be let go and the last to be hired back when restaurants face financial challenges. Please note, for your application to be considered you must meet this basic qualification. To learn more please visit:

This application will be reviewed anonymously by our selection board. Please do not include name, personal information, city information or business information in any field other than where requested. Inclusion of this information in any other fields could invalidate your application. Please note that you must live and work in the US to qualify for funding. If you do not meet these qualifications your application will be voided. Please do not reapply if you have already done so, we reserve the right to void your application should you continue to reapply. Thank you!

Please check the corresponding box to the crisis you are seeking assistance with*

Personal is prefered.

Full address including City, State, Zip Code

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Please select the most accurate

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Please multi-select as many that apply:

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In your words, tell us about your day-to-day role. Please do not use bulleted formatting copied and pasted from a document, as it causes issues when sorting applications:

Please submit name, title, phone number and email of supervisor who can verify most recent employment and job title.

Please attach image of your business card or other document that validates your past employment. Note, if attaching a pay stub, please cover any sensitive or financial information.

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*** NOTE: Do not include name, personal, city or business information in this field. Inclusion of this information could invalidate your application.

Please only select those which apply, if none apply leave blank.

Select or enter value
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Have you applied for unemployment?*
Are you presently receiving unemployment benefits?*

Future Training and Certifications

The below is for internal use only and does not factor into your candidacy for financial assistance.

Do you plan to take any sommelier tests/exams/certifications?

If yes, which exam(s):

Privacy Policy

The United Sommeliers Foundation will not release any information to third party organizations without your consent. The content of this application is for internal review ONLY.

Some organizations are legally prohibited from donating funds directly but are working with The United Sommeliers Foundation to create paid opportunities for sommeliers such as social media content creation and blind tastings. Checking this box in no way impacts your application status.

By checking this box I agree to have my application reviewed by The United Sommeliers Foundation’s selection committee in order to determine eligibility for potential financial assistance. I affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the content of my application is true and accurate to the best of my ability. I also acknowledge that my submission in no way guarantees that I will receive funding. I understand that should my application qualify, my application will be voted upon by our board members anonymously and objectively to receive funding.