Submit a Representation to Environmental Standards Scotland
The purpose of this form
We can accept and will consider (free of charge) any representation which includes any instance of concern from anyone about how public authorities discharge their environmental law responsibilities or the effectiveness of environmental law itself.
The purpose of this form is to enable you to set out your representation in a structured way so that we can carry out an initial assessment and consider what steps, if any, should or can be taken.
We may also wish to contact you to discuss your representation or seek further information from you. If you have any difficulties in using or completing this form, our staff are more than happy to assist and can be contacted at
Please use this form to contact us if you have specific concerns:
- that a public authority isn’t complying with an environmental law;
- that an environmental law isn’t being implemented or applied properly; or
- that an environmental law isn’t effective in protecting the environment.
In this context a public authority means a person carrying out any function of a public nature and environmental law means any law which is mainly about the environment.
Compliance relates to whether a public authority is failing to take proper account of environmental law when exercising its functions or is acting in a way that is contrary to (or incompatible with) environmental law.
Environmental law means any law which includes provisions mainly about the environment and environmental protection, with environmental protection including:
- protecting, maintaining, restoring or improving the quality of the environment,
- preventing, mitigating, minimising or remedying environmental harm caused by human activities; and
- monitoring, considering, assessing, recording, reporting on or managing data on anything relating to 1 and 2 above.
In practical terms, the effectiveness of environmental law relates to whether the law is achieving its intended effect in protecting the environment and contributing to our international obligations relating to environmental protections.
Next steps
It is important to explain that, before considering what action should be taken, we normally expect that you will have given the relevant public authority the opportunity to respond to the issue or that you have tried to resolve your concerns through other available mechanisms. Whatever action we do take, we will write to you setting out the reasons for this and provide as much further assistance as we can.
It is also important to understand that we are not an appeal or complaints body for individual decisions taken by public authorities in the exercise of their regulatory functions in relation to a particular person or case (for example, a decision on an application for a licence or a decision on regulatory enforcement in a specific case).
The ‘How to raise a concern’ and ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ pages on our website provide further information on our role and may assist you in completing this form.
By submitting this form you agree to our Data Privacy Notice. ESS may use the information you provide but we will not share your personal information without obtaining prior consent from you. You may tell us at any time if you wish to withdraw your representation.