Request to Reschedule Exam

You may request to reschedule for the following reasons:

  • Military service that makes it impossible for the student to both take the exam and comply with his or her military obligations.
  • An illness or pregnancy, as shown by a written statement, on official letterhead, from a physician, psychologist, psychiatrist or similarly situated person.
  • The illness or death of a student’s family member, “significant other,” or close friend.
  • An emergency beyond the student’s control.
  • Illness during an exam that prevents a student from finishing the exam.
  • Religious observance as defined in the Law School’s Religious Observance Policy.
  • The student has three exams on three consecutive calendar days and the middle exam should be moved to the next available exam day.
  • The student has two exams on the same day.
  • Exceptional circumstances causing a severe hardship to a student, as defined by the Dean or the Dean’s designee and left to his or her sole discretion, taking into consideration fairness to other students and the competitive nature of law grades
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Do you receive testing accommodations?*
Reason for Request*

Please see the guidelines for more information about each option.

Please upload military orders, physicians excuse, or other documents to support your request.

Drag and drop files here or

When a student has 3 exams in a row, the middle exam should be moved to the next available exam day. When a student has two exams in one day, one exam should be moved to the next available exam day that does not put the student with 3 exams in a row.