District 6 Gives Back Participation Form

Thanks for wanting to help out in our D6 community. It is a great way to show our thanks to the many organizations that support D6 every day.

You will need these items to complete this form.

Supervisor's work email

Volunteer organization contact name and email

Date you will participate

Hours you will participate

Volunteer Information

Please provide a little information so we know who you are and where you work.

At what site do you work?

Caret IconCaret symbol

Select your supervisors email who has approved your voluntary leave opportunity.

Caret IconCaret symbol
Approval *

Has your supervisor approved your volunteer opportunity during the contract day?

Sponsoring Organization

Now tell us about the Greeley or Evans organization where you are volunteering

Volunteer Organization/Company*

Select the company where you would like to Give Back.

Who is the person you will contact at this organization? add the person who you have contacted about volunteering.

Please include the email of the employee you worked with at the volunteer organization.

What date will you volunteer with this organization?

What hours will you volunteer? (If it was during your work day, round to the nearest quarter hour, 15 minutes, e.g., 1:00-2:15)

Check the boxes below indicating that you will complete the two follow-up tasks.

You are just about done!

The last two questions ask about your leave request and an acknowledgement.

Leave Request*

You must submit your VLO leave request and have supervisor approval before participating.

Use the same process you normally use to request sick or discretionary leave. Just select Voluntary Leave Opportunity (VLO).


I understand this opportunity is strictly voluntary and that Worker's Compensation does not cover expenses related to injuries incurred during the volunteer opportunity.


Don't forget to check the box indicating that you want a copy of your responses. (Right below.)

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