Report FERPA Concern

Once a FERPA concern has been reported, an investigation / review process will begin. The individual filing the concern may be contracted for additional information or conversation and those listed as involved in the incident(s) or action(s) may also be contacted.

Completion of this process does not imply that the reported incident violated FERPA. This form allows individuals to report potential FERPA concerns for review and follow-up.

Please list your full name.

Please list your title.

Please list your Noorda email.

Please list the date you believe or know the potential violation occured.

Please describe (in detail) the potential violation giving context, background, and specific details.

Please list the names of the students who records were breached. Please include their Noorda Student Numbers.

Specify the names, titles and affiliation of the party/parties who received unauthorized access to the student records.

Please describe how the potential FERPA breach was discovered.

Please describe the corrective steps taken.

Please describe (in detail) the steps initiated to avoid any similar situations in the future.