2025 YASG Evaluator Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in serving as Grant Evaluator for the Youth Amateur Sports Grant (YASG) Program.

To learn more about the Youth Amateur Sports Grant (YASG) Program please view the YASG Evaluator Overview.

If you have any questions and/or need additional information, please contact ParksGrants@kingcounty.gov or 206-848-0699. Thank you!

Contact Information

Please provide your full name, email address and phone number.

Parks will use this email to share information, provide updates and schedule virtual meetings.


Personal Information

This question is optional. Our goal is to ensure YASG Evaluators are reflective of the diversity of King County communities.

Age Group*

The YASG Program provides funding for a variety of projects/programs that serve children, youth, and young adults. Our goal is to ensure evaluators include young people it aims to serve and support.

Council District*

Please select the King County Council district you represent/reside in

To find your council district, visit the Find my Council District page: https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/council/councilmembers/find_district

Skills, Expertise and Experience

This section is an opportunity to share your professional and personal experience, skills and expertise you bring to the YASG Evaluation Process. King County values diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Please note: If you have a skill or experience that is not listed, please share in the narrative questions below.

Our goal is to have evaluators from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. Please share if you identify with these groups or communities. (May Select More than One)

YASG Partners*

King County Parks is partnering with the Play Equity Coalition in this grant evaluation process. Please indicated if you are a member of the following organizations.

Please select the skills, expertise and experience you have developed and utilized throughout your personal and professional experiences.

Briefly share your interest in evaluating grant applications for the Youth Amateur Sports Grant (YASG) Program, and expand upon your diverse backgrounds, lived experiences, and skills noted above.

Current Employer or Organization

The following questions will provide insight to your current employer or organization you are representing.

Your responses will not impact decision to serve as a YASG evaluator.

Type of Organization or Employer

Optional: Please select the type of employer, agency or organization that you represent

Optional: Share the name of your employer, agency or organization you represent

YASG Commitment

Time and Work Commitment*

Confirm your ability and commitment to the YASG Evaluator duties including:

  • Serve up to10 hours between April-June 2025
  • Participate in 2-3 virtual meetings
  • Evaluate 10-12 grant applications in alignment with evaluation criteria
  • Submit final scores via online portal by established due date

Please share if you are interested in receiving a $750 stipend.