Temporary/Mobile Food Application
Use this form to register a temporary food premises (i.e. temporary food stall, vendor, kiosk, mobile vendor, food/coffee cart etc) with Waverley Council. This form is to be completed and submitted to Council in advance at least 10 working days prior to operation of the temporary food premises, vendor or stall. Registration of your food premises with Council allows you to trade at pre-organised events (subject to the event organisers approval), however registration does not permit you to operate your stall outside of these pre-organised events. A separate application must be submitted to and approved by Council for any proposed activity or event in a park, reserve, beach or any public place, in accordance with section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. For further information, or a copy of the application, please contact Council on (02) 9083 8000.
The following details must be provided with the application: - Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) Certificate (unless exempt); - Menu/List of food or drinks served; - Copy of recent food premises inspection report from relevant Council for any off-site food preparation, and/or storage areas; and - Optional floor plan of marquee/stall/vendor/vehicle or premises (Refer to checklist and submission requirements below)
Are you seeking to lodge a New Temporary/Mobile Food Stall Application or to Renew an Existing one?
If you have held a Temporary Food Premises registration with Waverley Council you can apply to renew that existing registration.
This reference number should take the following form TEMP-####
What Applicant name was the previous registration lodged?
What Trading Name was the business was the previous registration lodged?
If you have not previously held a Temporary Food Premises registration with Waverley Council you can apply for a new registration.
Name of the person Council can contact regarding this business.
This name should correspond with the name on your ABN/ACN.
The FSS requirement applies to retail (including temporary food stalls) businesses who process and sell food (prepare and serve) that is: - ready-to-eat; - potentially hazardous (i.e. needs temperature control); or - NOT sold and served in the supplier's original package. The FSS requirement does not apply to some businesses including: - coffee vendors that only heat milk; or - not-for-profit community and charitable causes
Full name of the Food Safety Supervisor
Is food being stored and/or prepared from a registered home-based business or commercial kitchen?
Provide proof of registration of your food business with the Local Council where your home-based business or commercial kitchen is located. This can be achieved through a registration certificate.
If the Council you are operating in does not provide registration certificates you can provide us with a registration or reference number for your commercial kitchen or home-based business.
What Council is your home-based business or commercial kitchen located in? (This is not the location that you intend on operating your temporary stall)
A copy of your menu can be attached at the end of this application form if available.
Where/When is the food being prepared/stored?
How will the food be transported to the event ?
The design, installation and operation of the temporary food premises or stall/s will satisfy the relevant requirements of the Food Act 2003, the Australia New Zealand - Food Standards Code and the NSW Food Authority Guidelines for food businesses at temporary events Details of the design and construction of the food stall/vehicle/premises (including construction details, cooking equipment, refrigeration, freezers, food storage, food preparation area, display cabinet, hand-washing facilities, waste bins etc.) have been provided with this application. Food stall/s which are not located within a marquee or tent will be provided with a suitable clean roof cover and the stall/s will be enclosed on 3 sides (i.e. with plastic or vinyl sheeting) or, be provided with other suitable barriers, to prevent public access and potential contamination (unless only pre-packaged food or drinks are to be provided). Cooking equipment, food preparation and storage areas are required to be located within the stall area and be suitably protected from contamination. Open flame barbeque cooking plates, char grilles and cooker that use hot coals can be located externally and adjacent to the food stall and must be barricaded to prevent public access. A roof cover, fire extinguisher and fire blanket must also be provided.
Food items will be stored at least 150mm off the floor within the food stall. Food items will be transported and stored in enclosed smooth and impervious containers (i.e. plastic food grade containers). Perishable food (i.e. meat products, dairy products, milk, seafood, poultry etc.) will be transported and stored in refrigerated containers, coolers or appliances.
All surfaces, equipment, appliances, containers, crockery, utensils, food preparation, storage and cooking areas will be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Cooking and preparation areas are to be kept free from potential contamination i.e. wind-blown dust, dirt and by the public or customers touching, coughing and sneezing on or near the food or equipment. The area will be kept in a clean condition, free from dirt, grease, dust, insects, vermin and cockroaches etc. at all times.
Raw food items to be cooked (i.e. meat, poultry and seafood) will be kept in sealed food grade containers until being prepared and cooked. Food items which are ready for consumption (i.e. cold meats, dairy products etc.) will be kept in sealed food grade containers until being prepared and served to customers. Raw food items to be cooked (i.e. meat, poultry and seafood) will be kept clear and separate from food items which are ready for consumption (i.e. cooked food, cold meats, dairy products, sandwiches, bread, fruit and vegetables etc.), to prevent potential ‘cross-contamination’ of food. All food items will be prepared on the day, within the temporary food stall or venue, for consumption on the same day.
Food that is to be served cold (i.e. dairy products, milk, eggs, cold meats, cold seafood, cold poultry and cooked food ready for consumption will be maintained at or below 5°C (i.e. in refrigerated containers, coolers or appliances). Food that is to be served hot (i.e. cooked meat/seafood/poultry etc., pies, sausage rolls and other heated food ready for consumption) will be maintained at or above 60°C (i.e. in heated food display appliances) For events that will last 3 hours or longer, a Cool room (walk in refrigerator) MUST be provided to ensure all potentially hazardous food can remain under temperature control. A maximum of two stalls to share a cool room within 5 metres of entry point of stall. Digital probe style thermometer & alcohol wipes within stall Note: After cooking food, it must be maintained at or above 60°C (if it is to be kept hot or warm) or, after cooling the cooked food (and within 2 hours) the food must be maintained at or below 5°C. Food should not be re-heated after being cooled.
All foods on display must be either whole fruits, vegetables, wrapped or packaged, or completely enclosed in a suitable display cabinet, or protected by a physical barrier such as (bain-marie, sneeze guard, Perspex, glass etc. to the stall) or located so as not to be openly accessible to the public. Drinking straws, paper cups, disposable cutlery etc. will be provided in suitable dispensers. Condiments such as sauce, mustard etc. will be provided in squeeze-type dispensers or individual sealed packs. Council may exempt pre-packaged and low-risk foods from certain construction requirements due to a reduced risk in food safety. Open food stalls consisting of tables only or tables and trestles, shall be used only for the sale of pre-packaged and low-risk foods for example: pre-bottled or sealed jams, honey, pickles and drinks; pre-wrapped and sealed cakes, toffees and biscuits; whole fruit, vegetables and nuts intended to be washed or peeled before eating. Contact Council to enquire about exemptions.
Hand-washing facilities (with hot and cold water, liquid soap and disposable towels) will be provided within the stall. For pre-packaged and low-risk foods, there may be exemptions due to the reduced food safety risk, written consent must be obtained from Council prior to commencement of the event.
A sealed container of potable water (minimum capacity of 10 Litres) with a tap and suitable bowl of containers should be provided for cleaning and sanitising. Clean towels and detergent must also be provided. For pre-packaged and low-risk foods, there may be exemptions from certain facility requirements due to the reduced food safety risk. Contact the Council for details.
All waste materials will be kept in suitable waste receptacles provided in or near the stall. Arrangements have been made for the collection and disposal of waste materials (i.e. a trade waste contractor or Council’s trade waste service). Waste receptacles and bins will be kept covered with lids and be emptied regularly so as not to overflow.
All attachments can be uploaded using the file upload field below.
Please select any attachments you will be uploading.
You will receive an invoice for the cost of the temporary food stall application assessment. The cost of this assessment can be found in Council's annual Pricing Policy and Schedule of Fees and Charges available at: https://www.waverley.nsw.gov.au/council/policies_procedures_and_plans/operational_plan Once this invoice has been paid, Council will review your application and may contact you for additional information. Processing of applications can take up to 10 working days. Should your application be successful you will then be sent a food premises registration certificate. Once you have received the registration certificate you are permitted to operated at any approved temporary event in the Waverley Local Government Area subject to the event organiser's approval.
Waverley Council (55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022) is collecting and holding your personal information for the purpose of processing your request or application. The intended recipients of your personal information are Council officers and other service providers necessary to process your request or application, if applicable. We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless you have given consent, or we are authorised or required to do so by law. This form is classified as open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and may be disclosed to members of the public on request. If you do not provide your personal information, we may be unable to process your request or application. To access or correct your personal information, please contact mailto:info@waverley.nsw.gov.au or call 9083 8000. For further details on how Council manages your personal information, please refer to the Privacy Management Plan on our website: waverley.nsw.gov.au/privacy.