Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming more involved with ASHHRA as a volunteer leader for an ASHHRA committee or the Board of Directors.

Committee members are typically selected in December to serve in the following year. Occasionally, a position may open up during the year, giving a new volunteer the opportunity to complete the rest of the position's term. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request, however volunteer space is limited and ASHHRA cannot guarantee everyone who applies will be selected to serve.

ASHHRA membership is required in order to be considered for a committee.

Areas of Interest

Please indicate your level of interest for each committee.

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee monitors national and state legislative and labor developments. They conduct research and develop and promote advocacy programs that represent the interests of the membership, human resources professionals and the healthcare field. An effort will be made for each geographic region to be represented on the committee. Commitment: One year term.

Annual Conference Education Committee (ACEC)

The Annual Conference Committee determines the educational content of ASHHRA’s Annual Conference & Exposition, develops the measurement tool for selecting presentations, and serves as moderators onsite. The committee develops other education programming as requested. An effort will be made for each geographic region to be represented on the committee. Commitment: One year term.

Board of Directors

The ASHHRA Board serves as the leadership of the organization, setting the mission, vision and strategic direction for the society. The board is comprised of the president, vice president, treasurer, two board members representing HR leadership in organizations across the continuum of care, an appointed health care facility CEO, three at-large board members representing HR leadership in organizations in acute care, one at-large board member, one regional board member, one new-to-the-profession practitioner with no more than five years’ experience in health care human resources and the immediate past president. Commitment: Varies by position.

Learning and Education Committee

The Learning and Education Committee assesses the needs of members by analyzing internal and external market research to identify those services and product opportunities that bring value to membership. The committee develops programs, products and services that support the ASHHRA strategic plan and works closely with ASHHRA staff to identify resources to design and implement them, providing members with a valuable professional development opportunity. Commitment: One year term.

Member Relations Committee

The Member Relations Committee will strengthen membership through recruitment and retention activities, developing onboarding initiatives, enhancing the member experience, increasing member engagement, evaluating member feedback and recommending and developing new member programs and benefits. The committee administers ASHHRA’s individual awards and scholarship programs.