Massey Membership Application Form
Do you have a disability as described by the American Disabilities Act? (Link:
To be considered from a disadvantaged background, you must meet two or more of the following criteria:
a) a U.S. rural area, as designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (Link:, or
b) (qualifying zip codes are included in the file).
If yes, please describe in field below.
Provide grant number(s), funding agency, funding period, role on project
Include the funding organization and your role on the project
If you do not have any pending or unfunded cancer-related projects, please write "N/A"
If you do not have any MCCC collaborations, please write "N/A"
Please include the name of their home institution(s)
If you do not have any inter-institutional collaborations, please write "N/A"
If you do not have any global collaborations, please write "N/A"
Include committee name, parent organization, and your role
If you are not a part of any committees and organizations, please write "N/A"
Recent biosketch that follows NIH guidelines