Outreach Temporary Expansions and Short Term Projects Funding Opportunity 2021-25

Please complete as much information as you can, and if you have any questions or need support please reach out to your outreach project officer or outreach@nswrdn.com.au for assistance. Budget templates and program Service Delivery Standards are available on RDN's Outreach Website or by clicking here

Section 1 – Applicant Information

Section 2 – Special Project / Service Summary

Outreach Program*
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

The objectives should describe the aim of the proposed activity. It should consider what the services plan to achieve and should be closely linked to addressing the needs identified in the evidence of need.

When describing the project or initiative, please consider the following questions: -What will the visiting clinic do? e.g. individual consultations, group sessions, education/upskilling. -If expanding existing services, how many additional visits would be completed before 30 June and when would they commence? -Who is the provider? -Where will they travel from? -What are the referral pathways to and from the service (if applicable). -Local practitioners that the visiting practitioner will work with. -Coordination between local organisations. - If a temporarily-funded service, how will patients continue to access care after funding ceases?

Please outline why this short term project or service should be supported.

If a provider has already been identified, please provide provider name, email address and base location

Section 3 – Proposed Budget

Please provide any additional information you may need to describe the budget here. If this request is to expand an existing funded service and the existing approved budget is appropriate, please indicate per visit cost is appropriate for this initiative, total additional funds requested

Please complete the budget template (in excel) and attach to your application. All budget values should exclude GST.

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