Tribal Member Direct Deposit

Please sign-up for direct deposit with the Accounting department. This will ensure that you receive your funds in a more secure and timely manner. Below are a few examples of the payments the Accounting department processes:

  • Committee meetings
  • Medical
  • Funeral
  • Birthday
  • Elders quarterly and bonus payments
  • College living assistance

Payee Information

Type of Action*

Bank Information

Type of account:*

Enrollment Authorization

Please enroll me in the Direct Deposit Program.

I authorize the Puyallup Tribe's Accounting to make payments to the bank account I have designated above.

I also understand that this authorization will continue in force unless discontinued by my written request and it is my responsibility to maintain the designated account as open to prevent rejected or returned entries.

By my signature below, I declare that all of the above statements are true and accurate. Withholding information, false information/altered documents will result in immediate denial.

Please upload the following 2 documents.

  1. Copy of Tribal ID
  2. Voided check OR bank letter that states your name, routing number, and account number.
Drag and drop files here or

For any questions reach out to the accounting department at: