Micromobility (Bike & Scooter) Corral Request Form

Please use this form to identify possible micromobility corral locations. Based on feedback on the dockless bike and scooter program, DDOT is exploring micromobility parking in public space. Please use this form to identify possible micromobility parking locations, either in the roadway or on the sidewalk. DDOT will assess submissions based on safety and approximate demand.

Nearest address including quadrant

Please describe in detail where you would like the corral to be located.

In Street or On Sidewalk*

Is the location is in the parking lane of the roadway or on the sidewalk?

If this was street parking, how many cars would fit in the spot that you're proposing?

Please take a clear picture of the location in mind, as free of cars and other objects as possible. Google street view is ok.

Drag and drop files here or

Please leave your contact info if there are any further questions about this location.