2024 Application for the ACFAS Board of Directors: Deadline September 27, 2024

2024 Nominations & Election Dates & Deadlines

•    September 27 - Candidate applications due.

•    October 2 – committee selects candidates for interview.

•    **October 21, 22, or 23 (evening) – Candidate Interviews with Nominations Committee

•    By Oct 23 – Candidates finalized by committee

•    October 29 – Candidate platform statements and profile due

•    December 2 - Election site opens

•    December 16 – Election site closes

The elected directors will be announced in early December and will start their term of service at the ACFAS 2025 Annual Scientific Conference in Phoenix.

If you have any questions regarding board service or the nominating process, please contact ACFAS CEO, Patrick (PJ) Andrus at pj.andrus@acfas.org. Thank you for your interest in serving the College and the specialty!

Please review the required document submissions below. Please create a separate file for each of the four (4) items and be sure they are clearly labeled:

1) ONE-PAGE SUMMARY CURRICULUM VITAE - No CV longer than one-page will be accepted, however speaking roles and published papers may be uploaded as a separate document.

2) PAST SERVICE ON ACFAS COMMITTEES OR TASK FORCES – List the group name and date(s) of service. List any Chair positions held. Do not list speaking/author roles here, see item one for these.

3) BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXPERIENCE IN OTHER MEMBER- OR DONOR-BASED ORGANIZATIONS. Not limited to podiatry. Examples: Served as a board director on a non-profit United Way or state podiatric medical association. (If an officer, list all positions.)

4) OPEN-ENDED QUESTION (no more than one-page). Please state your vision for the future of foot and ankle surgery and how the College can achieve that vision. Well-articulated, visionary descriptions are desired.

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I have read, completed, and signed the ACFAS Financial Conflict and Duality of Interest (FCDI) Disclosure Form. Instructions for completing the form will be sent to you after your application is received. Visit acfas.org/nominations to review the FCDI policy.

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I have read and agree with the ACFAS Confidentiality and Duality of Interest Policies. I will abide by the terms of these policies during my service on the Board of Directors.

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I agree to uphold the ACFAS Board policy on electioneering, which states that the distribution or exchange of any ACFAS election or campaign messaging, including social media posts and email messages, during the general election process is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in disqualification. A candidate position statement and profile will be shared with ACFAS members and available to all voters in the election site.

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