The Pulse / Social Media Submission

The Pulse is a monthly newsletter disseminated by the School of Nursing. All submissions are considered and reviewed by school leadership and will be included based on priority.

If you would like for your submission to be considered for inclusion in the following month's newsletter, please submit your content by 25th of the current month.

The Office of Marketing and Communications reserves the right to edit or decline content submissions.


Please only include GW Nursing faculty or staff.

If relevant, provide a caption for your story. Please note this will be considered for social media posts and Pulse write-ups.

If applicable to your submission, include the link to your news article, event, announcement, publication or presentation.

Attach the graphic or photo to be included with your submission.

Drag and drop files here or

By clicking here, I acknowledge that this news is not embargoed and is suitable for public consumption.