ODE Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) Equipment Request Form

Fill out this form to request FFVP equipment. Please note, the cost of equipment comes out of your FFVP Administrative allotment. This caps at 10% of your total FFVP award for the school you are making the request for. Once that 10% maximum is reached, you will no longer have funds to cover FFVP Administrative costs for that school.


Include justification of need. With this justification include why the current equipment is not sufficient for FFVP operations and how many times the FFVP will be offered each week.

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The cost of equipment used by the FFVP and other meal programs must be prorated among the programs.


If applicable, list the prorated cost to the FFVP as well.

You can spend a maximum of 10% of your total FFVP grant award on equipment. If you spend all of your administrative dollars on equipment, you will not have funds for other administrative costs.