Udder Alternative Dairy Penny Libberton Memorial Scholarship for 2023-24

Please complete the following information to have your name considered for one (1) $250 scholarship to be awarded for the Fall semester and one (1) $250 scholarship to be awarded for the Spring semester. To qualify for the scholarship, you must be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) dairy goat courses in the semester. For the Fall scholarship, all submissions must be completed by December 1, 2023 at 11:59pm Central Standard Time to qualify. And, for the Spring scholarship, all submissions must be completed by May 1, 2024 at 11:59pm Central Standard Time to qualify. Please direct any questions to the Southwest Tech Foundation, attention Gina Udelhofen at gudelhofen@swtc.edu.

Please select ALL courses you are enrolled in at the time of submitting this application. To qualify for the Fall semester scholarship, you must be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) dairy goat courses in Fall 2023. To qualify for the Spring semester scholarship, you must be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) dairy goat courses in Spring 2024.

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Please explain your goals in the goat industry and how this education will help you reach those goals.

Please explain your financial need for scholarship support.

Please retype your name as acceptance that all information provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.

Thank you for choosing Southwest Tech!

Scholarship winner will be notified via email.