To register for your free Caterpillar account to access & other online platforms and services, please complete the form below by filling out all required fields(*).

Please provide an email address you can access. The email address you provide here will be the email address used to deliver your invitation for you to finalize your account details and login credentials.


Please provide your customer account number, Dealer Customer Number (DCN), below. If unknown, please contact our PCC Helpdesk to request help and support setting up your account: Email: | Call: 440-838-8672

Did an Ohio Cat Parts Counter Associate help you place an order online recently?*

If you were recently assisted with placing your order on while visiting one of our Ohio Cat locations, please select YES below. Otherwise, please select NO.

Please check the box below if you would like to be added to the email list to receive exclusive offers, maintenance tips, resources, and more from Ohio Cat.

After submitting this form, you will receive an email invitation to finalize your account details. Please ACCEPT this invitation to create your username and password in order to begin utilizing your new Caterpillar account. An Ohio Cat representative may reach out to assist you in finalizing your account, if necessary.

Thank you for choosing Ohio Cat.