Teach Nevada Scholarship Tuition Reimbursement Application

The Teach Nevada Scholarship (TNVS) was established during the 2015 legislative session by Senate Bill 511 and is recorded in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 391A.550 ( https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/NRS-391a.html#NRS391ASec550 ) and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 391A.050 ( https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/NAC-391A.html#NAC391ASec050 ).

The TNVS allows recipients to receive 25% of their tuition award if they complete and submit this application within one year after the five-year anniversary of the date on which they completed the educator preparation program for which they were awarded the scholarship.

Applicants must meet conditions in NAC 391A.070 ( https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/NAC-391A.html#NAC391ASec070 ) to qualify for the reimbursement.

Application Checklist

Please be sure to have the following required documents ready before beginning the application. Once you begin the form, you cannot save and return.

Required documents:

*Authorization for Release of Employment/Disciplinary Information *Acknowledgement and signature form

*Five (5) previous evaluations The Authorization for Release of Employment/Disciplinary Information and the Acknowledgment and Signature forms can be found on the Nevada Department of Education webpage here: https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Effectiveness/Educator_Develop_Support/Teach_Nevada_Scholarships/

Please contact edprep@doe.nv.gov with questions.

(If applicable.)

Full name as it appears on your license

Full address including the city and state as it appears in your OPAL account.

Please provide your zip code.

Preferred email as recorded in your OPAL account

Preferred phone number as recorded in your OPAL account


Have you been the subject of any disciplinary action taken by any Nevada public school by which you were employed?

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Are you currently the subject of an investigation that could result in the imposition of disciplinary action against you?

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Have you maintained employment as a teacher at a public school in Nevada for five consecutive school years and received a performance evaluation rating designating as “highly effective” or “effective” during each of the five school years?

Select or enter value
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Were you employed for at least three years as a teacher at a Nevada public school that was designated as defined in NAC 391A.070 as Title I, one- or two-star rating, and/or had a high teacher vacancy?

Select or enter value
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School Assignments

Beginning with your current school, please provide up to five (5) school assignments. Please provide the school name, school years, district, and designation if applicable.

School #1

eg. 2021-2022

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Please select all that apply.

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School #2

eg. 2021-2022

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Please select all that apply.

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School #3

eg. 2021-2022

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School #4

eg. 2021-2022

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School #5

eg. 2021-2022

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Please upload the following required documents: *Authorization for release of Employment/Disciplinary Information *Acknowledgement and Signature form *5 evaluations.

Drag and drop files here or

Thank you.

Please review your application to ensure everything is accurate and complete before submitting this form.