Nevada Division of Emergency Management

Hazard Mitigation Assistance

Notice of Interest

For Additional Assistance or Questions Please Contact the DEM Mitigation Team-

Mitigation Notice of Interest (NOI) Questionnaire

This form is intended to give preliminary notice that your Agency, Tribe, or Jurisdiction is interested in seeking HMA grant funding

Completing and Submitting this form is intended to give preliminary notice of interest in seeking Hazard Mitigation Assistance but does not obligate application. Based off the information you provide, DEM Hazard Mitigation staff will work with you to identify eligibility of your proposed project or plan.

NV DEM Staff will review for best fit of available funding.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Who is requesting HMA grant funding?

Please identify the responsible County or City Jurisdiction or Tribal Nation the Sub-Applicant is affiliated with.


Federal Information Processing Standards

Unique Entity ID (from SAM.GOV)

This can be a plan name, project title, or advanced assistance/Project Scoping activity.

Please provide a brief description of the activity.

Please provide plan page number. The hazard must be identified in the Local and or State Hazard Mitigation Plan

This is the total amount of the project.

The Federal Share of most HMA grants is a maximum of 75%.

The local cost share responsibility is a minimum of 25%.

Please identify the funding stream of the local cost share.