De-escalation Module: Pre-Test

Please complete the information below to initiate the module pre-test. If you have any technical difficulties, please email

Welcome to the Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities learning module on schizophrenia. To begin, please complete the pre-test. Upon completion of the module, you will be asked to complete a post test and will have an opportunity to print a certificate of completion.

Please complete the information below to initiate the learning module sequence. If you have any technical difficulties, please email

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This is what will appear on your certificate of completion (available after the post-test is complete).

1. A resident’s family disputes the care provided, even though the resident had initially agreed to it. How should you handle this situation?*
2. When communicating with residents from diverse backgrounds, which approach is most effective for de-escalation?*
3. Considering gender dynamics, which statement is accurate for de-escalation?*
4. Which factor might unintentionally increase stress during de-escalation interactions?*
5. Which of the following actions should a staff member avoid when interacting with an upset resident?*
6. While assisting an agitated resident, you discover they have a potential weapon (e.g., raising a cane). What’s the best course of action?*

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