Vinton County FCFC

Fiscal Year*

List only the number of clients carried over from previous fiscal year

List only the number of new clients enrolled in program during reporting period

List total number discharged or ended participation for any reason - successfully, unsuccessfully, or neutrally in the fiscal year

Of the total number who ended participation, list how many successfully completed the program this fiscal year

List number who continue to be engaged and will receive services in next reporting period

Numbers Served By County

Please indicate numbers served by county of residence below. Totals for all counties should equal Number of Clients Carried over from Previous Fiscal Year + Number New People Served

Are you on target to meet projections?*


Briefly describe achievements for reporting period

Briefly describe program challenges for reporting period

Briefly describe any program improvements made during the reporting period

Were there any significant differences between last year and this year? If so, please describe

Optional field to share additional info such as a story demonstrating how people have benefited from program

Drag and drop files here or

Agency Contact

List name of staff member providing data on this form

List email address of staff member providing data on this form

List phone number for staff member providing data on this form
