Request Form

VPDoR Institutional Support

This application form may be used to request financial support from VPDoR. Please complete all sections on the form so that we may properly process your request. Only the questions that need to be answered will be visible to you, based on your selection of the request type.

  • Grant Booster - Qualifying projects receive funds to augment collaborative research awards
  • Other Support - Requests for support outside of the Grant Booster initiative (e.g., cost share or required matching funds)

Please see RPH 15.3 Cost Sharing Policy for additional information on policies and procedures to meet federal requirements for proposing, spending, monitoring and reporting cost sharing.

Questions may be directed to

Please note that VPDOR expects the PI's department and/or school to be the primary sponsor(s) when the project team impacts only their school. VPDoR will consider requests from cross-school collaborative teams at Stanford.