Nested EPA: Entrustable Professional Activities for General Surgery (UCSF)

A nested EPA is a standalone surgical task that commonly occurs as a part of a more complex procedure. The nested EPA can occur in multiple different types of procedure and should be a task that a junior trainee could achieve complete entrustment on PRIOR to gaining entrustment on the entire procedure.

Form can be completed by faculty, fellow, or chief resident in the following scenarios:

  1. When two residents are scrubbed in the same case and the more junior resident is involved in only a part of the procedure. Nested EPA assessment should be completed for the more junior resident.
  2. When resident participates in a procedure that is not part of the core 18 GS EPAs. Nested EPA assessment should be completed for that resident.
  3. For PGY1-3: Click HERE to access the list of faculty qualifying for bonus points for the nested EPA incentive.

Please select one of the nested EPAs below. The link will connect to a separate assessment form for that particular nested EPA.

MIS Entry to Abdomen

Open Entry to Abdomen

Entry of Lesser Sac

Mobilization of Left Colon

Mobilization of Right Colon

Bowel Anastomosis

Creation of Ostomy

Ostomy Takedown

Exposure and Control of Major Vessel

Open Abdominal Closure