Amendment 23 Waiver Application


Persons aged 62 or over are eligible to apply for the Amendment 23 waiver, which enables qualified students to enroll as a regular or auditing student in courses offered for resident credit on a space available basis without payment of fees, except for supplies, laboratory, or shop fees. • Students must be residents of Georgia, be 62 years of age or older at the time of registration, and present a birth certificate or other comparable written documentation of age to enable the institution to determine eligibility. • Students must meet all system and institution undergraduate or graduate school admission requirements and follow the same program as other degree-seeking students. • The application and certification must be completed each semester five days prior to the date of registration for the referenced semester. USG Policy Persons Ages 62 or Over

Semester Requested

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Student Information

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Verification Document

Please attach documentation to verify your date of birth. Documents accepted include birth certificate, driver's license or state ID, or passport. If you are using your computer, you can attach any file. If you are using your phone or tablet, you can attach a file or use your camera to take a photo of the document.

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