InterLibrary Loan Request

ASU East Campus

East Campus Library Office Location

James Pendergrast Memorial Library

504 College Drive

Albany, GA 31705

ASU West Campus

West Campus Library Office Location

Harold B. Wetherbee Library (Building G)

2400 Gillionville Road

Albany, GA 31707

Telephone: 229-500-2031 (Office)

Circulation: 229-500-3472 (East Campus)

Circulation: 229-500-3613 (West Campus)

E-mail Address:

WARNING: Copyright Restrictions may apply: the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, US code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Libraries and archives are only authorized to furnish a photocopy or reproduction under certain specifications. One of these specifications is that the photocopy or reproduction in not to be used for any purpose other than private research, study or scholarship. If a user makes a request for any other purpose, that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse a request in its judgment, fulfillment of the request would involve copyright infringement.

Requestor Information

ILL Details

Request Type:

Postage Fees

Postage Fee Notice:*

NOTE: Some libraries charge lending or postage fees. Are you willing to pay if necessary?

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Notice:

All personal data and special categories of sensitive personal data collected or processed by Albany State University (ASU) must comply with the ASU Cybersecurity Program Plan, as authorized by the Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 10.4 Cybersecurity:

Anyone suspecting his or her sensitive personal data has been exposed to unauthorized access, report your suspicion to:

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