Tell Us What Happened

We know that the hardest part about something bad happening is telling someone about it, so well done for getting this far.

The most important thing to remember is whatever has happened is not your fault and you have done the right thing in telling someone.

If you make a report to us, we will contact you as soon as we can, and we will do everything we can to make sure you’re safe.

If something has happened, or you feel that you are in danger and need help straight away, please call the police on 999 and tell an adult you trust, as soon as you can.

The BF Safeguarding Lead can also be contacted on the emergency 24hr safeguarding number: 07526 003030.

Thank you for choosing to tell us what happened. We know that this is difficult, but in order for us to help you, we need to know who you are. All the information you tell us is important and is sent securely to us, so nobody else will get it.

You do not need to give your name to report a concern but it helps us to follow up and provide help and support.

Have you told anyone else?

To help us keep you safe, can you please tell us the best way for us to speak with you? This could be a phone number, an email address, the name of your school, or your parents name.