2024 Nominations to the Board of Regents
The Nominating Committee requests nominations for the following open positions on the Board of Regents (BOR) effective October 2024:
- president-elect—large animal this year (must have been an ACVS Diplomate for a minimum of 13 years and a prior regent or treasurer). The Diplomate elected to this position will serve a three-year term: as president-elect (October 2024-25), as president (October 2025-26), and as chair of the Board of Regents (October 2026-27).
- regent for a three-year term—large animal (must have been an ACVS Diplomate for a minimum of 10 years)
- regent for a three-year term—small animal (must have been an ACVS Diplomate for a minimum of 10 years)
RESPONSIBILITIES: The BOR meets for two days at three regularly scheduled board meetings each year: February, summer (dates vary within the months of May and June), and October (in conjunction with the Surgery Summit). The BOR holds virtual meetings between the regularly scheduled meetings as needed to address business driven by interim deadlines and to reduce the length of the agenda at the regularly scheduled meetings. Attendance is mandatory at these meetings.
Please ensure each of the Diplomates you are nominating is aware of the nomination and is willing to serve the College in this capacity.
To self-nominate or nominate someone else, please complete this form by 5 pm (ET), Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Should you have any questions or need help completing this form, contact Joanne Magro (jmagro@acvs.org), staff liaison to the Nominating Committee.
The American College of Veterinary Surgeons is committed to and values diversity, equity, and inclusion and embraces the perspectives that it generates.