Thank you for your interest in transferring to Noorda-COM. Before completing this form, please review the Noorda-COM Transfer Admission Policy to determine if you are eligible.

Eligibility Guidelines

  • Applicants who previously applied to Noorda-COM but were denied admission are not eligible for transfer.

  • Applicants must be in good academic standing at the medical school they are currently attending (or previously attended in the event of a withdrawal) and be eligible for continued enrollment or readmission.

  • Applicants who have been dismissed by another osteopathic medical school are not eligible for transfer.

  • Applicants must present a valid and compelling reason for transfer.

  • Applicants interested in transferring to Noorda-COM as a third-year medical student must have passed COMLEX Level 1.

  • Applicants from international institutions or other health professions programs are not eligible for transfer admission. Such individuals must apply through AACOMAS for admission as a first-year student.

Applicant Information

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