Room Booking Form

Please use the following form for all internal and external bookings requests.

For more information about booking spaces at Morling College, please visit:

Internal is to be used if you are Morling, BFS, BMC or NCLS staff.

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Would you like to schedule a site tour?

Please include set-up time. (HH:MM)

Please include pack-up time. (HH:MM)

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This will ensure that this booking is entered into the bookings calendar for the correct recurring dates.

Please choose one of the options.

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Sydney Campus Spaces

The Sydney Campus is located at 5 Saunders Close, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. All rooms available for booking are located in the Ministry and Learning Centre.

The room capacities are indicated below (as per the 2 sq m rule).

If the hirer requires access to the full sound/AV desk in the Auditorium, there will be an additional charge of $50/per person per hour.

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Perth Vose Campus

The Perth Vose Campus is located at 20 Hayman Road. Bentley WA, 6102. The room capacities are indicated below (as per the 2 sq m rule).

The College has permanently installed AV equipment available to assist with presentations including touchscreens and data projectors, in most of the rooms available for hire. These are included in the room hire costs. Morling Perth Vose Campus can provide HDMI cables, but any adaptors must be provided by the hirer.

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Will you be bringing catering onsite?*

Parking & Access to Premises (Sydney Campus)

In order to gain access to the Premises & Onsite Parking at the Sydney Campus, Morling College will issue a time-sensitive code to the hirer 24 - 48 hours prior to the event which will be used at the Boom gates & also the keypad on the right-hand side of the Main Doors at the times indicated upon initial enquiry.

Please note there is ongoing construction on our Sydney campus disrupting parking.

Parking & Access to Premises (Perth Vose Campus)

There is free parking available on Perth Vose Campus for hirers to utilise. Our main carpark off Hayman Road is available for your use, as well as our extra parking around the back of the library.

All External Terms and Conditions*

I acknowledge and agree to the following terms & conditions:

1. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to check the condition of the venue immediately prior to occupation and determine whether the venue is fit for intended use.

2. All rooms must be returned to their original state with doors and windows locked before leaving, all blinds closed and lights and air-cons turned off. All rubbish must be removed, and the area left clean and tidy after use.

3. As a Christian community we expect all behaviour to be above reproach. This includes mot permitting alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking on campus.

4. Parking is to be in designated parking areas. Vehicles must not park so that other vehicles are blocked.

5. No additional chairs, tables or other equipment are to be brought onto the site without permission.

6. All hirers are required to have their own Public Liability Insurance. A copy of the certificate of currency must be attached to this booking form.

7. The booking will be on hold until all supporting documentation has been submitted and the total room hire cost (including the deposit) has been paid within two weeks of the booking quotation.

8. Morling College has the right to cancel any booking already made and shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage or otherwise in consequence of the exercise right. In these circumstances, the College may refund any portion of sums on account of fees if such refund is considered to be warranted.

9a. All hirers must provide one months' notice to cancel a booking to avoid being charged for the booking. Exceptional circumstances will be considered. Bookings can be cancelled, postponed and/or rescheduled.

b. Cancellations or amendments for hire will only be accepted in writing via

10. SYDNEY ONLY: All hirers booking the Auditorium and / or require catering need to provide a run sheet outlining the event's schedule for the College to prepare accordingly.

11. A complete list of delegates must be sent through to at least a full business day as part of the Sign-in/Sign-Out procedure, using the template provided.

Internal Terms and Conditions*

I acknowledge and agree to the following terms & conditions:

1. It is the responsibility of the Organiser to check the condition of the venue immediately prior to occupation and determine whether the venue is fit for intended use.

2. All rooms must be returned to their original state with doors and windows locked before leaving. All rubbish must be removed, and the area left clean and tidy after use.

3. As a Christian community we expect all behaviour to be above reproach. This includes alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking not being permitted on campus.

4. Parking is to be in designated parking areas. Vehicles must not park so that other vehicles are blocked.

5. No additional chairs, tables or other equipment are to be brought onto the site without permission.

6. Morling College has the right to cancel any booking already made and shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage or otherwise in consequence of the exercise right.

7. All hirers must provide notice of cancellations or amendments of booking by writing to

8. SYDNEY ONLY: Anyone booking the Auditorium and/or who require catering need to upload a run sheet outlining the event's schedule for the College to prepare accordingly. A site visit is required for use of the auditorium.

9. I will ensure that my visitors sign-in/sign-out at the Reception Desk upon arrival, otherwise I will pre-register them on the OnLocation system.

Campus Contact Details

If you have any further questions regarding the Hire of Facilities Form, please don't hesitate to call our Campus Receptions on:

Sydney Campus: 02 9878 0201

Perth Vose Campus: 08 6313 6200   

Please upload all supporting documentation such as Public Liability Insurance or Event Runsheets here.

Drag and drop files here or

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