Pilot Program Proposal Form

Program Type

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Program Identification

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Please confirm the number of pilot programs now offered at your campus. Note: cannot exceed two per campus at one time.

(e.g., Master of Science in Genetic Counseling, Bachelor of Arts in History).

(e.g., fall 2024)

(Includes general education units, if applicable)

Program Description


Please attach evidence to confirm each of the following criteria have been met:

  • A WSCUC Substantive Change Review Screening determined that no further review is required.
  • A 4-year major and subprogram roadmap and a 2-year transfer roadmap for bachelor’s degree programs, or an appropriate year major roadmap for master’s degree programs that outlines the suggested coursework students should
  • complete each semester;
  • The proposed program is not subject to specialized accreditation by an agency that is a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors
  • It is consistent with all existing state and federal law and Trustee policy.
  • Evidence that the proposed program has been subject to a thorough campus review and approval process.
  • The proposed program can be offered by the campus either within the campus’s existing resource base, or there is a demonstrated capacity and support to fund the program on a self-support basis. The proposed program cannot be authorized if it involves a major capital outlay project. (Major capital outlay construction projects are those projects whose total cost is $610,000 or more (as adjusted pursuant to Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 10705(a); 10105 and 10108).

If a self-support program, please provide the following information:

  • specification of how all required EO 1099 self-support criteria are met
  • confirmation that the proposed program does not replace existing state-support courses or programs
  • confirmation that academic standards associated with all aspects of such offerings are identical to those of comparable state-supported CSU instructional programs
  • specification that state funds are either inappropriate or unavailable
  • a cost-recovery program budget *
  • student per-unit cost
  • total cost for students to complete the program

*Basic Cost Recovery Budget Template (Self-Support Programs Only)

(Note: only 10 files can be attached at one time. If you need to attach more than ten files, consider combining documents to avoid multiple submissions).

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