BCHD Event Volunteer Sign-up Form

Come Volunteer at an Event with Us!

We appreciate your interest in volunteering with the Beach Cities Health District! Below are our upcoming opportunities. You are welcome to sign-up for as many events as your schedule permits. Please sign-up each person in your party separately.


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Caret IconCaret symbol

T-shirts (in unisex sizes) will be provided to volunteers at registration day of the event.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please be as specific as possible to help us with future outreach efforts.


Listed below are community events where volunteers are needed; complete the section for each event in which you would like to participate. If an event or shift is no longer listed on this form, we have sufficient volunteers. Please do not show up for an event or shift if not pre-registered.


We do not currently have any events for which we need volunteers. Please fill out the form if you would like to be on distribution for future opportunities.

BCHD will provide a volunteer agreement on site at registration to sign. Read below for the information included in the agreement that must be signed day of in order to volunteer.

In exchange for participating in BCHD’s volunteer event, I understand and agree to the following volunteer agreement:

Volunteer’s Responsibility

I understand my volunteer responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Assisting staff in necessary tasks for event.
  • Show up to shift on time with appropriate clothing as notified.

BCHD’s Responsibility

I understand BCHD’s responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Provide necessary supplies to carry out volunteer work for event.
  • Supply BCHD staff person during shifts at all times to provide direction and assistance to carry out volunteer tasks.
  • Ensure access to restroom facilities, first aid kits, and water as needed.

Volunteer Status

I understand that my volunteer status with BCHD is “at will” and that the District or I may terminate my volunteer status with BCHD at any time for any reason.

Confidentiality and Confidential Information

BCHD values the confidentiality of our clients, business operations, employees and overall dealings of the District. BCHD is legally and morally obligated to ensure the protection of those parties. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, such things as client lists, client names, personnel files, financial and marketing data, compensation data, addresses, phone numbers, medical history data and trade secrets. As a volunteer, I agree not to share such information with individuals outside of the District.


I understand that I must carry automobile liability insurance for any driving I do related to my volunteer assignment(s). I hereby agree to fully accept any and all risk of injury, illness and death that may result from my participation in the volunteer program and hereby fully release BCHD from any and all liability or damages for claims I may have relating to my work as a volunteer.

Photo Release Authorization

By signing this agreement, I hereby authorize BCHD to use my (or my son/daughter’s) image in its publications, including but not limited to the Livewell magazine, brochures, flyers, the Web site, and audiovisual presentations. I understand that this image may be disseminated to print or broadcast news media to publicize services and programs of BCHD and may appear in local, regional, or national publications. I understand that my image becomes the property of BCHD and I waive all rights/privileges associated with this image. I hereby release BCHD from any liability that may result from the use of my (son/daughter’s) image as part of publicity efforts by BCHD.

Volunteers Under 18 Years of Age

If I am between the ages of 14-18:

  • I must have a parent accompany me to sign this agreement or email/fax the agreement to BCHD ahead of time with parental signature.
  • A parent does not have to be present with me to volunteer.

If I am under the age of 14:

  • I must have a parent accompany me to sign this agreement or email/fax the agreement to BCHD ahead of time with the signature
  • A parent, legal guardian or trusted adult must be present to supervise me during my volunteer shift.

By checking the box below and submitting this form, I am acknowledging that I have read and understood all terms of the responsibilities, policies and practices described in the Beach Cities Health District Volunteer Agreement above.