Spring 2025 Interest Form

Trillium Family Weekend at Victory Junction

Join us for a weekend full of togetherness and unforgettable fun! Victory Junction empowers campers of all ages and abilities with life-changing camp experiences at no cost to them or their families.

**Please Note: Families must complete the interest form to receive an application. Be sure to submit the interest form well in advance of the application deadline. Referrals and applications are sent and accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Please consider the process below and complete the application as early as possible!

We hope you can join us this fall for some unforgettable family fun!

Application Process

(1) Member Verification

Primary Camper is verified as a member in-network with Trillium

(2) Referral

Trillium refers families to Victory Junction. Trillium will notify families of the referral via email with reminders about the application process. **Note: You will receive this email via our secure messaging system with the subject line "zixsecure." If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create a username/password to view the email through zixsecure/zixmail. Be sure to check your junk mail!**

(3) Application Link

Victory Junction Camper Admissions staff emails families an online application link specific to your weekend of choice with instructions on how to complete it. Please use the link sent by Camper Admissions to apply for Trillium Family Weekends. Do not apply directly through Victory Junction's website for Trillium Family Weekends.

(3) Application Completion

Families complete an online profile and forms for each family member attending on the application and submit the required documents.

(4) Application Submission

Families will receive an "application submitted" email from Victory Junction. If your application is not complete, you will be notified that additional information is requested and must submit it in order to complete the application.

(5) Medical Review

Application is sent to "Medical Review" and screened by Victory Junction's Medical Team. Sometimes families may be contacted to provide additional medical information.

(5) Acceptances

Decision letters will begin being sent up to 30 days prior to the weekend date. Victory Junction will provide families with bunking information upon acceptance.

Spring Family Weekend Dates:

Session 1: April 4-6, 2025

Session 2: April 11-13, 2025

Application Deadlines:

Session 1: Friday March 21, 2025

Session 2: Friday March 28, 2025

Interest Form

We are excited to offer your family an opportunity for a referral to receive an application link for Trillium Family Weekend at Victory Junction this Spring!

Weekends are open to any Trillium member and their family, or natural supports. There are no age or diagnosis requirements and there is no cost to attend. All new and returning families are welcome!

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Covid-19 Statement

Victory Junction highly recommends proof of a COVID-19 vaccination for each person attending in your party who are ages 5 and up who will be on-site during Trillium Family Spring Family Weekends, but ultimately the COVID-19 vaccination is optional. Self-pre-testing & reporting will be required for all (within 48 hours of check-in).

Please read the above Covid-19 statement before completing the rest of this interest form and select the following option that applys to your party:

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Primary Camper Information

If more than one camper in your family is a Trillium member, it is only necessary to complete this interest form once. The primary camper must be a member with Trillium. Upon receiving your application, you will be asked for information about additional family members attending.

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This will help us to most easily verify you child's name within the Trillium database

Is there anything unique to the behavioral or physical needs of any camper attending that Victory Junction should be aware of? Or are there any specific accommodations needed that would be helpful during your experience? (For example, camper uses a communication device; tends to wander; needs frequent breaks; has difficulty transitioning; uses a wheelchair; uses an inhaler for asthma etc.) If no, write "N/A" *Application will allow space for more details regarding dietary, medical, or other accommodation needs

Contact Information

If you are a provider or caregiver who is providing support to a family in the application process and will be the primary contact for the application, please list your name here. If you are the parent or legally responsible person and are the primary contact listed above, write "N/A"

Please use the preferred phone number where you would like to receive communications and updates about your application.

*Please use the preferred email address where you would like to receive an application link, communications, and updates about your application.

*Note: Emails from Trillium will come to your inbox via our secure messaging system with the subject line "zixsecure." If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create a username/password to view the email through zixsecure/zixmail. Be sure to check your junk mail for any messages.

Additional Information

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If you learned about Victory Junction through a service provider, organization, or care coordinator please list them here so we can be sure to reach out to them each time we have new retreats!

Please Read Before Submitting!

(1) Please ensure all information including your contact email entered on this interest form is correct before submitting.

(2) Most communications about where you are at the application process are sent to the email address you provide on this interest form. Check your inbox (and spam folder) often for notifications from Trillium and Victory Junction Camper Admissions regarding your application!

(3) This is an interest form. Please see description of this form for details about the application process.

(4) To save a copy of this interest form, select "send me a copy of my responses" and enter your email address.

(5) Your email address will only be used for direct communications from Trillium or Victory Junction about your interest form and application status