Salt Lake City Justice Court - Access And Fairness Survey

Introduction Questions

Please select the category below that best describes you:
How did you access court services on your most recent visit?
What business did you need to get done on your most recent visit to the court?

Access Questions

Rate on a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)

Finding the courthouse / Joining the proceeding was easy
I easily found the courtroom or office I needed / I was able to focus on the proceeding without distraction
The forms I needed were clear and easy to understand
I felt safe in the courthouse / participating in the remote hearing or court activity
I was able to get my court business done without physical / technology, communication, or language barriers
I was able to get my court business done in a reasonable amount of time
Court staff paid adequate attention to my needs
I was treated with respect
The court’s website was useful
The court’s hours of operation made it easy for me to do my business

Fairness Questions

Rate on a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)

The way my case was handled was fair
I had a chance to tell my side of the story before my case was decided
I was treated the same as everyone else
I could follow what was happening in the proceeding
I was comfortable enough to say what I really thought about things
As I leave the court / the remote hearing, I know what to do next about my case

Case Questions

Did you have a choice as to whether your hearing took place remotely or in person?
Did you have a lawyer/attorney helping you with your court business? Please select the option that best describes your situation on this most recent visit:

Technology Questions

What type of device did you use to access the hearing or trial?
Where did you participate in the remote hearing from?

Demographic Questions

What is your age?
How do you identify your gender?
What is your highest level of education?
Did you request any disability accommodations on this visit?
Did you request any language translation services on this visit?