State Golf Tournament Entry Form

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete and submit this form to the MPSSAA. Print a copy of entries for your files. Note qualifying limits as participation is limited to selected teams and individual players.

School and Coach Information

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

List of Team or Individual Entries

Golfer 1 Grade*
Golfer 1 Gender*
Golfer 2 Grade
Golfer 2 Gender
Golfer 3 Grade
Golfer 3 Gender
Golfer 4 Grade
Golfer 4 Gender


Alternate must be the fifth player entered into the district tournament as part of the team.

Alternate Grade
Alternate Gender

Additional Qualifying Females:

Please list qualifiers.

Female Golfer 1 Grade
Female Golfer 1 Gender
Female Golfer 2 Grade
Female Golfer 2 Gender
Female Golfer 3 Grade
Female Golfer 3 Gender
Female Golfer 4 Grade
Female Golfer 4 Gender
Female Golfer 5 Grade
Female Golfer 5 Gender
Female Golfer 6 Grade
Female Golfer 6 Gender

A district may only be represented by the top finishing team in each classification, by a team that shoots a qualifying score, or individuals who shoot a qualifying score and rank in the top 1/8 of their district. please check the appropriate box(es):

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

I hereby submit the above listed entries in the district golf tournament to the state golf director. I certify our acceptance of the general regulations governing the tournament and attest to the individual eligibility of our representatives under current MPSSAA regulations.

To comply with the MPSSAA Bulletin, the Head Coach must be onsite and assist with general supervision or tournament management as directed. If the Head Coach is not onsite, an Assistant Coach or school designated representative must be available. Please provide the Head Coach/School Representative Name and cell phone number.