Sports Grant Application
Download here:
(event planner)
(type "N/A" if this does not apply to you)
(type N/A if venue has not yet been secured)
(include $ amount)
If funding is provided to the event by Gulf Shores | Orange Beach Sports & Events, the event planner must only promote accommodations in the Gulf Shores and Orange Beach lodging district
(type "N/A" if you have not contacted any lodging providers)
Please include:
(grant funding is typically approved for $750-$3,000 and based on certain criteria, including time of year, event marketing, etc.)
(select all that apply)
(print media, radio, TV, social media, etc.)
(ex: CBS Sports, Netflix, ESPN, local affiliates, etc.)
Gulf Shores | Orange Beach Sports & Events is able to provide grants to events because of our annual sponsors. GSOB Sports & Events requests representation at each event through signage, tables, etc. GSOB Sports & Events will occasionally pass these opportunities on to our sponsors, allowing them recognition at such events.
(select all sporting event sponsorship opportunities for GSOB Sports & Events to utilize)
Please complete the attached W-9 form. ATTACH W-9
All grants are reviewed, scored and approved prior to the event on a point-based system but are awarded on a performance basis. Grant approval and grant funding may not equal the same amount.
At all events sponsored by Gulf Shores | Orange Beach Sports & Events either by in-kind contributions or cash-only, event-specific sponsors or GSOB Sports & Events sponsors may be promoted or be present on site. Bringing outside sponsors to the event or promoting within the event could reduce GSOB Sports & Event’s sponsorship of the event.
Grant funding will be awarded once the event is complete, room night forms have been verified, room forms have been returned, and a W-9 form is on file.
By typing your full name here, you are acknowledging all information included on this form is up-to-date and accurate