Graduate Petition to Add, Drop, or Withdraw

Graduate students fill out this petition form to request changes to their enrollment. Please fill out this form completely and accurately.

Submit this completed form to your academic coordinator for program review and subsequent forwarding to the Graduate School. Please refer to myWSU or consult your graduate program to check the status of your petition request.

Student Information

This address will receive a link to download the completed Graduate Petition form.

This address will receive a link to download the completed Graduate Petition form.

Are you employed by WSU as permanent faculty or staff?*
Are you currently receiving a graduate assistantship or fellowship?*

You must maintain full-time enrollment status

Graduate students on an assistantship or fellowship must be enrolled full-time. You cannot drop below 10 credits. Keep this in mind when submitting your request.

Are you an international student?*

You need approval from International Programs

As an international student, your petition must also receive approval from the Office of International Student Services (OISS).

Graduate Program Information

Example: MS in Electrical Engineering or PhD in Language, Literacy, and Technology

Caret IconCaret symbol

Petition Request

NOTE: A graduate petition may change enrollment for ONE semester. If you are requesting changes across multiple terms, you must submit a separate petition request for each term.

Select or enter value
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Dropping a Course

The normal deadline to drop a course is the 30th day of the semester. For information on dropping from all courses in the current term, go to the Term Withdrawal website. More information is available in Academic Regulation 67 of the WSU Catalog.

Withdrawing from a Course

Additional information regarding withdrawing from a course is available in Academic Regulation 68 of the WSU Catalog.

Cancellation of Enrollment

STOP - do not submit a petition to request a cancellation of your enrollment. Please go to WSU's Term Withdrawal page to request a withdrawal from the current term.

This petition option is to be used after a cancellation of enrollment request has been processed. If your cancellation request is completed and you wish to request a petition from the Graduate School, you may proceed.

Adding a Course as an Audit

STOP - Adding a course as an audit (AU) is only valid until the 30th day of the semester. Please do not request to add a course as an audit after this deadline.

Letter Grade into an Audit

STOP - Requesting to change a letter graded (A-F) course into an audit (AU) is only valid until the 30th day of the semester. Please do not request to make this change after the deadline.

Letter Grade into a Pass/Fail

If approved, your A-F letter grade will be recorded on only a Pass/Fail basis. This cannot be changed once the final grade is awarded.

Pass/Fail to a Letter Grade

If approved, your Pass/Fail grade will be recorded as a letter grade (A-F) and calculated into your GPA. This cannot be changed once the final grade is awarded.

Other Request

Only use this choice if none of the options above adequately describe your petition request.


Graduate School leadership may approve petitions when warranted by an exceptional circumstance. Please use this space to explain the circumstances which call for this petition request.

The form has enough space for approximately one paragraph. If you need additional space, please write your rationale in a different document and include it with the petition when submitting within myWSU.

Petition Course Information

Do you need to enter course information for this petition request?*

This is required for any petition requesting changes for a specific course.


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: CHEM 554

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: HISTORY 505

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: PHYSICS 516

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to ener an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: MBIOS 501

This is a unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: TCH_LRN 540

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: SOC 533

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: BIOLOGY 500

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Select whether you wish to add, drop, or withdraw from this course.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: ANTH 505

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course and section, available in WSU's schedule of classes.