2025 Caltrans DLA

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Program Assessment Online Form

Per 23 CFR 200.9(b)(7), Caltrans is mandated to assess Local Public Agencies (LPAs) to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including Limited English Proficiency). LPAs are required to complete this assessment every two years (odd years) or when requested.

The questions asked in this assessment are associated with Title VI and FHWA’s Title VI program requirements (23 CFR Part 200). Caltrans will use this assessment tool to gauge the agency's compliance with Title VI through a Title VI Desk Program Assessment or a Title VI Onsite Program Assessment. When the agency is selected for the assessment, Caltrans will provide a report that includes a compliant status, findings (if any), and recommendations. The agency will be asked to develop a corrective action plan if findings exist.

Since this assessment does not save progress, the assessment must be completed in one sitting, which may take at least 30 minutes to complete if all information and documents are available.

If you have any questions regarding this assessment, please email Loi Tran at loi.tran@dot.ca.gov. Thank you for completing this assessment.

Title VI Program Assessment Online Form Questions (PDF)

Title VI Program Assessment Online Form – Frequently Asked Questions

Caret IconCaret symbol
Does the agency receive FHWA funds through Caltrans Division of Local Assistance?*

If no, there are no further questions, please click submit button.

Title VI Implementation Plan (Title VI Plan)

(28 CFR 42.415 and 23 CFR 200.9(b)(11))

Does your agency have a Title VI Implementation Plan (Title VI Plan) that satisfies the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)?*

If yes, upload a copy of the agency’s most recent Title VI Plan in the attachments section at the end of the form.

Does the Title VI Plan cover race, color, and national origin (including Limited English Proficiency) under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?*
Does the Title VI Plan include all of the items listed in the DLA FHWA Title VI Program Checklist?*
Is the Title VI Plan posted on the agency’s website?*
If no, does the agency plan to post the Title VI Plan?*

Title VI Coordinator

(23 CFR 200.9(b)(1))

Does the agency have a Title VI Coordinator?*

If yes, provide the Title VI Coordinator’s contact information below.

Does the Title VI Coordinator have access to the head of the agency?*
Is the Title VI Coordinator’s contact information made available to the public?*

Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement

(49 CFR 21.7(b))

Does the agency have a Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement?*

If yes, upload a copy of the agency’s most recent Title VI Non-Discrimination Policy Statement in the attachments section at the end of the form.

Does the Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement cover race, color, and national origin (including Limited English Proficiency) under Title VI of the Civil Rights of 1964?*
Is the Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement signed by the head of the agency?*
Is the Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement made available to the public?*

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Assessment (Four Factor Analysis)/ Language Access Plan (LAP)

(Executive Order 13166)

Has the agency performed a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Assessment (Four Factor Analysis)?*
Does the agency perform the LEP Assessment annually?*
Does the LEP Assessment address the four factors identified in the U.S. Department of Transportation LEP Guidance?*
Does the agency have a Language Access Plan (LAP) that includes the results of the LEP Assessment?*
Is the LAP made available to the public?*
Does the agency have procedures for processing interpretation (verbal) or translation (written) requests?*
Has the agency received any interpretation or translation service requests within the past year?*

For example, 5 Interpretations (3 Spanish, 1 Tagalog, and 1 Vietnamese) and 10 Translations (4 Spanish, 3 Chinese, 1 Tagalog, and 2 French).

Has the agency provided any interpretation or translation services within the past year?*
Does the agency keep a log of interpretation and translation services requested by the public or provided to the public?*

If yes, upload a copy of the interpretation and translation log in the attachments section at the end of the form.

Public Participation Plan

Does the agency have procedures for engaging the public, including underrepresented and minority communities, in decision-making processes?*

Dissemination of Title VI Information

(23 CFR 200.9(b)(12))

Has the agency developed Title VI information for dissemination to the general public and, where appropriate, in languages other than English (determined by the LEP Assessment)?*
Are Title VI information or materials made available to the public?*

Title VI Training to Local Public Agency (LPA) Staff

(23 CFR 200.9(b)(9))

Does the agency provide Title VI training to all local agency employees?*

If yes, upload a copy of the training and the most recent training roster/sign-in sheets.

Does the agency provide Title VI training for its employees every two years?*
Does the Title VI training cover what is Title VI, how the local agency implements its Title VI program to meet federal requirements, and what steps to take for handling Title VI complaints, as well as language interpretation (verbal)/translation (written) requests?*

Title VI Assurances in Contract Documents and Agreements

(23 CFR 200.9(a)(1) and 49 CFR 21.7)

Has the agency signed the latest Exhibit 4-C (link below), which includes the Title VI Assurances (Exhibit B of the Master Agreement)?*

If yes, upload the latest signed copy of Exhibit 4-C.

Does the agency include required Title VI assurances (specifically, Appendices A and E of the Title VI Assurances) in all sub-contracts and sub-agreements with federal funds?*

If yes, upload a copy of a construction contract and a consultant contract receiving FHWA funds.

Title VI Complaint Procedures

(23 CFR 200.9(b)(3))

Does the agency have a Title VI complaint form made available to the public?*
Does the agency have a Title VI complaint log?*

If yes, upload a copy of the Title VI complaint log.

Does the agency have procedures for prompt processing and disposition of Title VI complaints received directly by the agency?*
Does the agency’s Title VI complaint procedures include logging Title VI complaints received and determining jurisdiction, as well as for completeness?*
Does the agency’s Title VI complaint procedures include forwarding Title VI complaints to Caltrans for processing?*

Title VI Data Collection

(23 CFR 200.9(b)(4))

Does the agency have procedures for the collection of statistical data (race, color, and national origin) of participants in, and beneficiaries of, federally funded roadway projects?*
Does the agency’s Title VI data collection procedures include procedures for analyzing the data collected to determine the effectiveness of outreach methods, and to ensure that no group is excluded during the decision-making process or is not given an opportunity to voice their opinions or concerns?*

If yes, upload a copy of the Title VI data collection procedures that include an analysis of the data collected.

Was Title VI data and analysis conducted within the last year?*

If yes, upload a copy of the Title VI data collected and analyzed.

Internal/External Title VI Reviews

(23 CFR 200.9(a)(4), 23 CFR 200.9(b)(5), 23 CFR 200.9(b)(6), and 23 CFR 200.9(b)(7))

Does the agency have a program to conduct internal Title VI reviews of program areas?*

Upload a copy of the results of the internal review if available

Does the agency have a program to conduct external Title VI reviews of sub-awardees (entities receiving FHWA funds through the LPA such as other local agencies, contractors, consultants, etc.)?*

Upload a copy of the results of the external reviews if available

Title VI Accomplishments and Goals Report (Title VI Annual Work Plan)

(23 CFR 200.9(b)(10))

Does the agency have a Title VI Annual Work Plan which consists of accomplishments for the past year, and goals for the next year?*
Is the Title VI Annual work plan made available to the public?*

Please upload a copy of the Title VI Annual Work Plan at the end of the form

If no, does the agency plan to post the Title VI Annual Work Plan on their website?*

Attachments Section

Upload a copy of the agency’s most recent Title VI Plan.

Upload a copy of the agency’s most recent Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement.

Upload a copy of the Language Access Plan (LAP) if link was not provided previously.

Upload a copy of the procedures for processing interpretation (verbal) or translation (written) requests? (Executive Order 13166)

Upload a copy of the interpretation and translation log requested by or provided to the public.

Upload copies of Title VI materials or provide links if available.

Upload a copy of the training and training roster/sign-in sheets

Upload the latest signed copy of Exhibit 4-C.

Upload a copy of a construction contract and a consultant contract receiving FHWA funds.

Upload a copy of the Title VI complaint form if available.

Upload a copy of the Title VI complaint log.

Upload a copy of the Title VI complaint procedures if available.

Upload a copy of the Title VI data collection procedures if available.

Upload a copy of the Title VI data collection procedures that include an analysis of the data collected.

Upload a copy of the Title VI data collected and analyzed.

Upload a copy of the internal Title VI review procedures if available.

Upload a copy of the results of the internal reviews if available

Upload a copy of the external Title VI review procedures if available.

Upload a copy of the results of the external reviews if available

Upload a copy of the Title VI Annual Work Plan if available.

Drag and drop files here or