Academic Scholars Program

2025-2026 Application

Oklahoma Residents Only

OSRHE Residency Policy (OSRHE Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3 - Academic Affairs. View Section 3.18 of PDF file.) Generally, students with non-immigrant VISAs are not considered Oklahoma residents based on their declared intent to return to their country of origin.

Are you an Oklahoma resident?*

Ineligibility Notice

You have indicated that you are not an Oklahoma resident. Please note that only Oklahoma residents are eligible to complete this application.

Students must enter the program the fall semester immediately following high school graduation to qualify.

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If you selected 'Other,' please specify your graduation date and contact our office at 405-225-9131.

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ACT Information

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SAT Information

1.    Supporting documentation for National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist, and Presidential Scholar designations must accompany this application. Copies of high school transcripts and letters to high school officials are acceptable.

2.    Students who qualify based on their ACT or SAT scores must include a copy of their ACT/SAT student test report. If the official ACT score report is not available, they may submit a screenshot of the superscore from the ACT website. Additionally, copies of high school transcripts that include ACT or SAT scores are also acceptable.

Drag and drop files here or

Applicant Information

Enter your 9-digit SSN without hyphens.

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

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Oklahoma Residents Only

OSRHE Residency Policy (OSRHE Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3 - Academic Affairs. View Section 3.18 of PDF file.) Generally, students with non-immigrant VISAs are not considered Oklahoma residents based on their declared intent to return to their country of origin.

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High School Information

If you were homeschooled, please enter 'Homeschool' for the high school name field and your home address for the high school address fields.

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ACT High School Code Search

If you were homeschooled, enter 000000.

If your high school provides class rankings, please enter your class rank percentile as a percentage. If you were homeschooled or your high school does not rank students, please enter 'Not Ranked'.


If ranked 3rd out of 200, subtract rank from total students (200 - 3 = 197), then divide by total and multiply by 100 (197/200 * 100 = 98.5). Enter 98.5.



Responses to the following questions are voluntary. The information will be used for non-discriminatory purposes and may be used for civil rights reporting purposes.

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I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Oklahoma that the information provided herein by me in this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and is made in good faith. If proven guilty of falsification of records associated with entry into the Academic Scholars Program, I will be subject to suspension from the program and from the attending college or university. In addition, I have read and fully understand the program provisions outlined in the application and the program rules available online at It is my personal responsibility to maintain program eligibility and familiarity with the rules. I further agree to assist the State Regents in follow-up studies of this program and keep the State Regents' office advised of my address.

I understand that I must meet the definition of an Oklahoma resident according to OSRHE policy. In addition, if my college/university determines that I am a non-resident and I do not meet the requirements of 70 O.S. Section 3242, I will be ineligible for the Academic Scholars Program.

Student Signature