Exemption Justification
A detailed breakdown of the exemption criteria can be found here.
Cost - The total life cycle cost of a BEV is more than 10% than the cost of a comparable internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle (not including costs for charging or charging equipment).
Emergency response - The primary use of the vehicle is related to emergency response and a using a BEV would pose a concern to public safety (i.e. active pursuit vehicles for law enforcement or wildland fire response vehicles).
Prohibitive upfits - The vehicle’s use or function requires upfits or modifications that cannot be completed in the BEV options available in the vehicle category on state contract (i.e. truck, SUV, sedan).
Safety - Charging the vehicle in the field is required for regular transport routes and using a BEV would pose a concern to public safety because the vehicle’s primary use is transporting individuals under the agency’s jurisdiction and the expected transport distance would require charging before returning to the duty station.
SEEP reserves the right to engage further with the agency to discuss specifics of the request prior to making a final determination.
Vehicle availability - There is not a BEV option for the vehicle type (i.e. sedan, SUV, truck, van) available on state contract (CARS contract 05916 or Sourcewell contract 13022) at the time of vehicle replacement or procurement.
Use or need of the vehicle cannot wait until next available manufacturing order/ delivery dates
Vehicle range and EV charging infrastructure - The vehicle’s primary duty station is in an area that is not within 1 hour or 60 miles (round trip) of a nearby DC Fast Charger, and other charging methods are not sufficient to regularly charge the vehicle between standard operational uses or in the field.
Use or need of the vehicle cannot wait until planned nearby EVSE installation is completed.