SEEP E.O. 21-04

Electric Vehicle Purchase Exemption Form


1) Agencies complete this web form to request an exemption to E.O. 21-04.

2) Optional: Agency approval contacts will receive an automated email from Smartsheet with instructions on approving or rejecting the exemption request. If you add an agency approval contact, they must approve the request before the SEEP office can process your request.

3) The SEEP office receives and reviews your exemption request. We will respond within 10 business days. We may contact you with additional questions or clarification. Upon approval, you will receive an automated email from Smartsheet informing you that your request has been approved or denied.

4) Proceed with your purchase order either through DES by attaching the email to your communication with DES or through your internal agency process.

Contact Information

Only Executive and Small Cabinet agencies requesting a non-Battery Electric Vehicle are covered by E.O. 21-04. If you are not one of these agencies then you do not need to complete this form. Please work directly with DES for your vehicle purchase as appropriate.

Please note, it is best to open the links in a new tab by right clicking on them. Otherwise, the form will reset.

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Please enter your name


Vehicle Information

Please use the web form below to submit an exemption request for a single vehicle or multiple vehicles. Exemption requests for multiple vehicles may only be submitted if the vehicle type and use case are the same.

Will the vehicle be leased from DES (M Plate) or Agency Owned?*

How many vehicles are you requested exemptions for? Please note, exemption requests can only be approved when the vehicle type and use case are the same for all vehicles in the request.

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Please consult AFDC's Vehicle Weight Classes & Categories to determine the weight class of your vehicle.

*Note, class 2 is split into the following:

Class 2a: 6,001–8,500 lb (2,722–3,856 kg)

Class 2b: 8,501–10,000 lb (3,856–4,536 kg)

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Describe, in detail, the primary function of each vehicle requested. Please note if the vehicle is used to transport inmates, patients or clients and, if so, how often:

Select or enter value
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On days when the vehicle is driven, how many miles will it travel?

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Select Statewide usage if the vehicle will not spend a majority of its time in any group of counties.

Select or enter value
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Duty Station Information

Will this vehicle's primary duty station be at an a) agency/state owned or leased facility or b) employee's residence?*

Please provide the Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) or address of the duty station.

Are vehicles at this location operated as part of a motor pool or assigned to individual employees?*

A motor pool is a group or fleet of motor vehicles whose use is shared on a short-term basis by the personnel of an organization.

If so, please specify the number of ports and level of charging (Level 1, 2, and/or 3)

Exemption Justification

A detailed breakdown of the exemption criteria can be found here.


Cost - The total life cycle cost of a BEV is more than 10% than the cost of a comparable internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle (not including costs for charging or charging equipment).


Emergency response - The primary use of the vehicle is related to emergency response and a using a BEV would pose a concern to public safety (i.e. active pursuit vehicles for law enforcement or wildland fire response vehicles).


Prohibitive upfits - The vehicle’s use or function requires upfits or modifications that cannot be completed in the BEV options available in the vehicle category on state contract (i.e. truck, SUV, sedan).


Safety - Charging the vehicle in the field is required for regular transport routes and using a BEV would pose a concern to public safety because the vehicle’s primary use is transporting individuals under the agency’s jurisdiction and the expected transport distance would require charging before returning to the duty station.

SEEP reserves the right to engage further with the agency to discuss specifics of the request prior to making a final determination.


Vehicle availability - There is not a BEV option for the vehicle type (i.e. sedan, SUV, truck, van) available on state contract (CARS contract 05916 or Sourcewell contract 13022) at the time of vehicle replacement or procurement.


Use or need of the vehicle cannot wait until next available manufacturing order/ delivery dates


Vehicle range and EV charging infrastructure - The vehicle’s primary duty station is in an area that is not within 1 hour or 60 miles (round trip) of a nearby DC Fast Charger, and other charging methods are not sufficient to regularly charge the vehicle between standard operational uses or in the field.


Use or need of the vehicle cannot wait until planned nearby EVSE installation is completed.

If yes please provide the year, make, model, odometer reading, and current M Plate number of the vehicle being replaced.

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Please enter the current M Plate number if applicable.

Are you requesting a different class vehicle as a replacement for this vehicle?*

(i.e. the current vehicle is a compact SUV, but the requested vehicle is a 1/2-ton pickup truck)

For example, if the request location cannot utilize an EV, but HQ (or another site) can utilize an EV, an ICE vehicle from HQ may be transferred to the request location and a new EV procured for HQ.

Please describe your consideration of the above strategy and why or why not it is not an option for this vehicle request.

Cost Justification

Safety/Emergency Responce/Prohibitive Upfits Justification

If the criteria for the vehicle in question is any of these criteria—please explain the business use of these vehicles (i.e. how they are used to transport individuals under an agency's jurisdiction, and why stopping to charge could pose a safety risk).

Vehicle Availability Justification

To verify the lack of vehicle availability please check the CARS and Sourcewell contracts and local dealerships.

If the vehicle will be leased from DES, please contact Fleet Services at (360) 664-9215, option #0 or

Make note of the outcome of these efforts below.

For M Plate vehicles: What information did your DES Fleet Services representative provide about available BEV options?

Please check the CARS Contract for availability. It is best to open the contract in a new tab by right clicking on the link. Otherwise, the form will reset.

Please check the Sourcewell Contract for availability. It is best to open the contract in a new tab by right clicking on the link. Otherwise, the form will reset.

Please contact local dealerships to ascertain availability. You may skip this question if the vehicle is an M plate.

Infrastructure/Range Justification

Please review public chargers listed on PlugShare. It is best to open the Plugshare in a new tab by right clicking on the link. Otherwise, the form will reset.

You can access a Plugshare best practices document here.

Please use this space to upload any files related to your exemption request that you would like SEEP to be aware of.

Drag and drop files here or

Agency Approval

Optional: Please enter the email address of your Agency Transportation Officer or their approving designee as per your agency process.

If you enter an email, then your agency approval contact will receive an automated email asking for approval. They must approve the request before SEEP is notified of the exemption request. Please communicate with your agency approval contact as necessary.

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