Experienced Entrant Form - Standard 11

Standard 11 Coal Mining Surface Generic Induction


To be eligible to attend the 1-day experienced entrant course, you must be able to show you have worked on a resources industry site, anywhere across Australia, for at least 3 months within the last 5 years.

The resources industry covers coal and metalliferous mining (including associated refineries), oil & gas and quarrying.

For any questions or assistance, please contact info@worksafeconnect.com, Townsville: 07 4728 9866; Brisbane: 07 3277 3282

Pathways and Outcomes:

If you have sufficient evidence, you are eligible to attend the 1-day experienced entrant course.

If you have insufficient evidence, you will attend the 2-day new entrant course.

Providing you successfully complete all assessment items in either course, a Statement of Attainment will be issued for six (6) units of competency (RIISS00034 Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set).

1. Student Information

2. Role Description

Please summarise the work you have performed in the resources industry, anywhere across Australia, within the last five (5) years.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

For example, dump truck operator at XYZ mine from Jan'22 to Sep'23.

3. Evidence

You must select at least ONE item of evidence below that proves your experience within the resources industry.

The evidence must clearly identify:

  • you
  • the site name
  • dates on industry resources site within the last five (5) years

Evidence to be uploaded at the end of this form in Section 6.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

4. Third Party Verification

Please provide details below of a third-party person who can verify the evidence provided if required.

5. Student Declaration

6. File Upload

This includes your CV / Resume (if applicable) and evidence that proves your experience within the resources industry.

Drag and drop files here or