2024-25 UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development Form

The UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI) is an experiential, systemwide professional development program for mid-career professionals that brings together participants from every UC location.

For more information about the program, including program dates/time, please visit the UCWI Website.

The criteria for application to this program are as follows:   

  • Woman-identified professional or someone who supports the advancement of woman-identified professionals at UCOP.
  • UCOP policy-covered and represented staff, in either a career or contract appointment, who have at least 5 years of service with UC and have worked at UCOP for at least one year.
  • Mid-career professional with demonstrated potential for growth in their career.
  • Has a “meet expectations” or above on their last performance evaluation.
  • Can fully commit to participate in all sessions and complete all required intersession assignments.
  • Representation of the diversity of UCOP.
  • Demonstrated commitment to UC’s mission and vision:
  • Demonstrated commitment to self-development.
  • Has commitment and support from their manager/supervisor.

Application and all recommendations are due by March 22, 2024.