Employee Of The Month

Employee Achievement Awards Employee & Team Awards Descriptions



The City of Clearwater is aware that employee morale is an essential ingredient in the attainment of a high level of work productivity, the reduction of absenteeism, and the development of a smooth functioning organization. The City also believes that recognition of employee achievement is a positive builder of morale. For these reasons, the City has established an Employee & Team Recognition Program to provide appropriate recognition to outstanding employees.


Under this Program, one employee will be selected each month for recognition as "Employee of the Month." Each "Employee of the Month" will receive an engraved gift, a day off with pay, and a certificate. Additionally, once a year, an "Employee of the Year" will be selected from among the monthly winners and will be presented $150 and an engraved gift. Each "Employee of the Month" and "Employee of the Year" shall have his/her name displayed on a plaque at City Hall.


Also, under this Program, employees will be selected bimonthly for recognition for the "Team Award." The award is based on the accomplishment of a specific task or a set of specific tasks. Any combination of employees may be recognized as a team. This may include employees within the same department or different departments who are assigned to accomplish a specific task. Each employee recognized for a team award shall receive an award in the amount of $15.00 per team member to be used at the team's discretion. Additionally, once a year a "Team of the Year" will be selected from among the bimonthly winners and will be presented with $25.00 per team member and an engraved gift. Each "Bimonthly Team" winner and the "Team of the Year" shall have its name displayed on a plaque at City Hall.


1. Every regular permanent full-time and permanent part-time employee shall be eligible for the Program.

2. The following employees shall not be eligible for the Program:

a. Emergency and temporary employees and

b. Students, interns, and any other employee hired under a work-school program.

3. No employee may be selected more than once in a three-year period.


1. Membership. The Achievement Awards Committee shall consist of the Human Resources Analyst, who shall serve as Chairman and employees appointed by the Human Resources Department, Department Directors, and the appropriate group as follows:

1 - Police

1 - Fire

1 - Engineering

1 - Public Utilities

1 - Public Services

1 - Gas

1 - General Services

1 - Parks & Recreation

1 - Marine & Aviation

1 - Library

1 - Finance/Budget

1 - Planning/Development Services

1 - Solid Waste

1 - City Hall

1 - Information Technology/Public Communications

2 - Human Resources

A member who misses four (4) consecutive meetings and does not send a representative is subject to replacement.

2. Meetings.

a. The Committee will meet in regular session each month to select the "Employee of the Month." A quorum for each meeting shall consist of those members in attendance. The "Team Award" will be selected every other month.

b. The Human Resources Analyst shall be responsible for making all necessary arrangements for Committee meetings.

V. ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM 1. Recommendation of Employee or Team for Award. a. Any employee of the City of Clearwater may recommend any employee eligible under provisions of Section III of this program for consideration as "Employee of the Month” or “Team Award." b. Recommendations must be submitted on forms designed and provided by the Committee. Such supplementary data will be accepted. All recommendations shall be submitted to Debbie Ford, Human Resources Department. c. Recommendations must be received in the Human Resources Department by noon of the third Wednesday of each month to be eligible for consideration for the next month's selection. 2. Selection of Employees for Award. a. The Committee will select the recipient of the monthly or bimonthly award during their regular monthly meeting. The method of Committee operation will be established by the Committee, provided, however, that actual selection shall be by open ballot. b. The Committee will base its selection upon the values listed above as evidenced by the recommendations and any other pertinent data. c. Recommended individuals not selected in the first month considered will be carried over for continued consideration for three (3) additional months. If, during that period of time, new recommendations are received on an individual already being carried, the new recommendations will replace the previous ones and the individual will receive consideration for that month and a new three-month cycle. Recommendations for Team Award will be carried over for two additional cycles with the same provisions for new recommendations. d. At the end of the calendar year the Committee will select from among the twelve monthly winners one individual to receive an award as "Employee of the Year" and from among the six bimonthly winners, one team to receive "Team of the Year." 3. Presentation of Awards--EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. a. Presentation of the award shall be made to the "Employee of the Month" at a scheduled City Commission work session or regular meeting each month. b. Presentation of a $150.00 cash award and an engraved gift shall be made to the "Employee of the Year." c. Along with awards, appropriate publicity shall be given to the honored employees and names of each "Employee of the Month" and "Employee of the Year" shall be on a plaque displayed in City Hall. 4. Presentation of Awards—TEAM AWARD. a. Presentation of the award shall be made to the "Team Award" winner at a scheduled City Commission work session or regular meeting each month. b. Presentation of a $25.00 cash award per team member and a gift shall be made to the "Team of the Year." c. Along with awards, appropriate publicity shall be given to the honored employees and names of each "Bimonthly Team" and "Team of the Year" shall be on a plaque displayed in City Hall. 4. Miscellaneous Provisions. a. The City of Clearwater Human Resources Department shall budget for necessary funds to provide for this program and shall coordinate publicity efforts. b. While it is the intent of the City to continue this program indefinitely, the City retains the right to amend or terminate the offering of this program at any time. 5. Suggested Criteria. See nomination forms.

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To support my recommendation of the above employee, I offer the following comments in which the employee excels or goes the extra mile to help his or her fellow employees or the City. Please try to mention specific actions, projects or situations, when possible.

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