DOEA Volunteer Registration Form

At the Department of Elder Affairs, we rely a great deal on amazing volunteers to help serve and guide our Elders in Florida. Our Volunteers can serve at their own pace and on their own schedule. We invite our volunteers to share their skills and talent to ensure that we can have a greater impact in helping our elders.

As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to mentor Floridians with unique abilities, youth transitioning from foster care to independent living, and Veterans. This program also creates fulfilling experiences and events geared toward engaging our community partners and providing a support network for our Seniors and those close to them.

How to Become a DOEA Volunteer

• First, sign up as a Volunteer by using this form.

• Once you fill out an application, we’ll begin to contact you with opportunities.

• If you're able to volunteer for a particular opportunity, we’ll provide you with all the details necessary to start your good work.

Faith-based organizations and businesses can help meet crisis needs in their local communities, like bringing a warm meal to a foster family, providing tangible donations to keep biological families united, and much more through Care Portal.

We are proud to be part of the First Lady's Hope Florida initiative at the Department of Elder Affairs. We rely a great deal on amazing volunteers to help serve and guide our Elders in Florida. Our Senior Volunteers are called Hope Heroes and can volunteer at their own pace and on their own schedule.

As a Hope Hero, you will have the opportunity to mentor Floridians with unique abilities, youth transitioning from foster care to independent living, and Veterans. This program also creates fulfilling experiences and events geared toward engaging our community resources and providing a support system for our Seniors and those close to them.

Volunteer Personal Information

Enter your birth date in this format MM/DD/YYYY for example 12/01/1980, or select on the calendar

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Please input the address where you would like your volunteer package to be shipped.

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Volunteer Type

Please select the volunteer activity you would like to participate in.

Choose your volunteer activity type.

Select or enter value
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Terms and Conditions

Volunteers are not considered to be employees of the State of Florida. I understand that my services will be uncompensated. Volunteers are covered by state liability protections (Chapter 768.28, F.S.), by workers compensation (Chapter 440, F.S.). Volunteers shall comply with all applicable Florida and federal laws and Department rules and policies.

This agreement can be cancelled at any time following notice by either party. Upon termination of this agreement, all state issued or supplied property shall be returned. By signing, this application, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions cited herein.

This position will require background screening.

By checking this box, you certify that all information provided on this application is true and correct.

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Exemption From Public Records Disclosure: Are a current or former law enforcement officer, other covered individual, or the spouse or child of one, whose information is exempt from public records disclosure under section 119.071(4)(d), Florida Statutes?

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