Army GEMSS Entitlement

Access Request Form

Please fill out this form to request support or access to Cisco licenses covered under Army Cisco Enterprise Agreements.

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Request Access to GEMSS Software / Services

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The Cisco licenses below are accessible via CHESS IT E-MART.

To make a request on CHESS LTS, click here.

Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA) is an open, programmable architecture that provides virtualization, automation, analytics and cloud. With Cisco DNA, you can innovate more quickly, reduce costs and lower risk with services that are easy to consume.


GEMSS experts will schedule a 30-minute call with you and your team to learn about your entitlements under GEMSS and how to utilize these licenses and services.

WWT and Cisco CSEs will work with you to understand your Collaboration, Security and Networking needs and/or status, develop a success plan, and orchestrate the right resources at the right time to help you execute your plan.

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WWT and Cisco will work with you and your team to manage your Smart Account and can assist you with utilizing My Cisco Entitlements (MCE).

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Cisco Networking Academy is a global platform which can be used to inspire students and instructors to make their future brighter. Cisco Networking Academy puts theory and hands-on-experience into practice. This is included for all GEMSS customers at no additional cost.

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Cisco SAFE provides the design and implementation guidelines for building secure and reliable network infrastructures that are resilient to both well-known and new forms of attacks.

Triage "Surge" Engagements under the Army GEMSS Program provides remediation engagements of existing Cisco technology or solutions within the US Army network. Each engagement is qualified/validated by NETCOM and receives final approval from OCIO.

Dedicated Cisco onsite engineering resources that support design, implementation, delivery, and management of environment.

Cisco Talos Incident Response provides a full suite of proactive and reactive services to help you prepare, respond, and recover from a breach. With Talos IR, you have direct access to the same threat intelligence available to Cisco and world-class emergency response capabilities -- in addition to more than 350 threat researchers for questions and analysis. Let our experts work with you to evaluate existing plans, develop a new plan, and provide rapid assistance when you need it most.