Safer Hastings Joint Action Group Application Form

Project/Initiative Commissioning Document 2024-25

Safer Hastings Partnership Priorities

1)    Keeping Communities Safe - Dealing effectively with anti-social behaviour, making the streets and businesses safer, tackling street community issues, responding to public place serious violence, dealing with criminal damage effectively, Improving road safety.

2)    Protecting Vulnerable People - not tolerating modern slavery and human trafficking, not condoning Violence Against Women and Girls.

3)    Identifying Those at Risk of Harm - ensuring those with substance misuse issues are supported, not condoning domestic abuse to all.

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Priorities

1)    Strengthen policing, tackle crime, prevent harm and anti-social behaviour - anti social behaviour, burglary, rural crime, road safety, business and retail crime, hate crime, partnership activity to reduce crime.

2)    Relentless disruption of serious and organised crime - homicide, serious violence & knife crime, drugs & county lines, modern slavery, fraud and cyber-crime.

3)    Support and safeguard victims and tackle violence against women and girls - domestic abuse, elder abuse, quality victim support services, safeguard the vulnerable, improve access to justice.

no more than 100 words

Project Details

please select all that apply

please select all that apply

Is the person undertaking the project the same as the project lead detailed above?*

Project funding

If yes, please list amounts and funding streams.

If yes, please provide date and amount(s) last two years only.

Please, realistically, score your bid against the following criteria:

Give yourself up to 5 marks for each of the following (5 = fully met or excellent 0 = not at all met or inadequate)

*If the project only covers a small part of the Borough then this should be reflected in the score

Could it make a big difference to the SHP priorities in a localised part of Hastings or is it district-wide?

Does the amount requested reflect the likely difference to be made?

The score total will be taken into account by the JAG when considering the bid.

Please read the following notes before completing the form

•    Only applications whose outcomes fulfil one or more of the Safer Hastings Partnership’s (SHP) priorities listed below will be considered for funding.

•    All parts of the form must be completed, including the self-scoring.

•    The SHP will require a brief report upon the completion of the project in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative and to determine whether the stated outcome has been achieved. Some longer-term projects may require an interim report (you will be contacted if this is the case). Please note that the Partnership is unlikely to support further initiatives submitted by you if the stated outcome of another project for which you have been funded has not been met or a timely report has not been submitted.

•    If funding is granted for a project, and either no evaluation report has been submitted or the project not undertaken, then a request for the money to be returned will be made.

•    If any information is missing you may be asked for further details.

•    Each bid will be considered by the SHP Joint Action Group (JAG) at their next available meeting following submission of this form. If the request is urgent then partners will be consulted electronically to obtain views, feedback and agreement on whether the bid should be deemed successful, rejected or that more information is required.

•    Applicants will be kept updated on the progress of their bid.